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Delta Ingestor

Build And Publish Image

Quick start

./target/release/ingestor \
--start-block 10000000 \
--stop-block 10150000 \
--batch 50 \
--task-limit 50 \
--channel-size 2 \
--block-partition 100000 \
--config secrets/ethereum.toml \
--request-timeout 50 --producer delta --resumer redis://localhost:6379 --block-descriptor ./ingestor/src/proto/ethereum.desc

Ingest block data from Blockchain node & save to DeltaLake.

Config & Mode

To run ingestor, some values must be configured.

The values can be passed using EnvironmentVariables or using cli flag

There are optional & required values. Some required values are provided with default values so it can be ignored if the default values work fine. Based on the configuration scenario, Ingestor can be run in different mode

Config value table

ENV Name CLI FLAGS Type Default Value Recommended Description
RUST_LOG info,debug,warn none info Show log level (info, trace, debug)
START_BLOCK —start-block number, Required 0 block number to start download
STOP_BLOCK —stop-block number, optional none block number to finish
BLOCK_TIME —block-time u16 20 Depend on chain block time used to determine how many seconds to sleep waiting for chain update if ingestor catches up with chain’s latest block
REORG_THRESHOLD —reorg-threshold u16 200 determine number of blocks to keep in memory for handling reorg
PRODUCER —producer string pubsub determine the kind of producer to use, stdout if None
RESUMER —resumer string none redis://redis_host if use Redis, stdout if None
KEY_PREFIX —key-prefix string bedrock default prefix value for redis keys and topic name
CONFIG_KEY —config-key string use NameService redis key of live config
RESUMER_KEY —resumer-key string use NameService redis key for resuming
BATCH —batch u8 10 5-10 Batch size to download.
TASK_LIMIT —task-limit u8 30 20 Number of tasks that will execute the download task
LOAD_BALANCER_BLOCKING —lb-blocking u8 20 RPC idle time when limited
METRICS_PORT —metrics-port u32 8060 prometheus service port
CHANNEL_SIZE —channel-size u8 50 5 Number of downloaded block pool create in memory
REQUEST_TIMEOUT —request-timeout u8 5 http request timeout
BLOCK_PARTITION —block-partition u32 100_000 depend on chain blocks-per-file partitioning
CONFIG_FILE —config string /etc/config/config.toml use the sample_eth_config.toml in /secrets/ config file RPC list endpoints by chain

Example command:

RUST_LOG=info cargo run -p ingestor -- \
--start-block 0 \
--stop-block 200000 \
--batch 10 \
--task-limit 30 \
--channel-size 2 \
--config secrets/config.toml \
--request-timeout 1 \
--resumer redis://localhost:6379
--block-partition 100000 // default: 100_000

Ingestor Mode

Based on the presence of some of the values indicating the availability of external data stores, the Ingestor can be run in 4 different modes

pub enum IngestorMode {

The minimum required values for each mode are following:

  • Full:

    resumable ingestor using redis. ingestor can be turning while running using redis as an external config store

    • PRODUCER (env or cli-flag)
    • RESUMER (env or cli-flag)
  • NoProducer:

    resumable using redis, but data are only printed to stdout

    • RESUMER (env or cli-flag)
  • NoResumer:

    not-resumable if crash, publish data to GooglePubSub. cannot tunning the ingestor configuration when running

    • PRODUCER (env or cli-flag)
  • StdOut

    No resuming, no publishing, only printing stdout. Mostly for testing locally

    • Missing all values defined in Full mode

MockChain Ingestor

cargo run -p ingestor -- \
--start-block 10 \
--batch 5 \
--task-limit 5 \
--channel-size 2 \
--request-timeout 2 \
--config config.toml \
--block-time 5 \
--chain mock

Go to http://localhost:8080 to see the API doc on how to interact with MockChain

  • Running Mockchain Ingestor with LakeFS Producer
$ LAKEFS_ENDPOINT=localhost:8000 LAKEFS_ACCESS_KEY=lakefs_root LAKEFS_SECRET_KEY=lakefs_root RUST_LOG=info cargo run -p ingestor -- \
--start-block 0 \
--batch 10 \
--task-limit 2 \
--channel-size 2 \
--request-timeout 2 \
--config config.toml --block-time 5 --chain mock --producer lakefs --block-descriptor ingestor/src/proto/mockchain.desc

Ingestor core

Abstract Data Types


Ingestor deals with BlockChain. The abstract data type of BlockChain is BlockTrait. User can implement more Chain by defining its Block that implements BlockTrait

Any type of block to satisfy BlockTrait must implement methods that…

  • get block’s number, block hash and its parent-hash
  • can serialize to protobuf message
  • can be cloned & used across threads
  • can be init-ed with Default
  • can be init-ed using (block_number, hash, parent_hash)
pub trait BlockTrait:
    prost::Message + Default + From<(u64, String, String)> + Clone + Send + 'static
    fn get_number(&self) -> u64;
    fn get_hash(&self) -> String;
    fn get_parent_hash(&self) -> String;

Abstract Actors

The Ingestor is designed using Actor Pattern. It consists of the following modules (actors):

  1. Client: handle fetching block data from remote data source. By the nature of blockchain, its trait dictates the following methods:
    1. get_latest_block_number(): get latest block number of the current chain
    2. get_full_blocks(sorted_block_numbers): get full block data from rpc
    3. get_light_blocks(sorted_block_numbers): get only minimum block data from rpc, help deal with reorg / tracing data quickly
    4. set_blocking_round(round): in case of rate limit, client will block(skip) the failing RPC for next X download rounds
  2. Producer: handle publishing data to external source, only 2 methods required
    1. publish_block: publish a single block
    2. publish_blocks: publish multiple, sequential blocks
  3. Resumer: handle resuming the progress in case of failure/panic/crash.
    1. save_checkpoint_blocks(blocks): save the most recently published blocks to store
    2. get_checkpoint_blocks(blocks): get the recently published blocks from store
  4. channel: an in-memory fifo queue serves as a communication bridge between Client & Producer. The size of this queue is defined by Config channel-size value . Currently we are using flume-channel.

All the actors above are defined as abstract. The specific implementations might vary depending on the type of chain.

Abstract Logic (Core Logic)


This ensures all underlying implementation of each actor shall conform to the defined main logic.

Logic Diagram


box Ingestor
participant Main
participant Client
participant Channel
participant Producer
participant Resumer

Main->>+Main: Initialization
Main->>+Resumer: get blocks
Redis-->>+Resumer: response blocks from redis
Resumer-->>+Main: response blocks (last_published_blocks)

loop if should continue download blocks
    Main-->>Main: update START_BLOCK
    Main->>+Main: Init ranges download
    Main->>+Main: create tasks
    Main->>+Client: task get blocks by range

    Client->>+RPC: block
    RPC-->>+Client: blocks
    Client-->>+Main: blocks in ranges
    Main->>+Main: validate blocks
    Main->>+Channel: send blocks

loop receive blocks from channel
    Channel-->>+Producer: receive blocks
    Producer->>+Google PubSub: serialize blocks and publish
    Google PubSub-->>+Producer: published
    Producer->>+Resumer: Save blocks
    Resumer->>+Redis: Save blocks into redis

Detailed explanation


The initialization is the entry to a running, usable Ingestor - that’s why it employs the fail-fast strategy: if any steps below fail, panic immediately!

  1. Read & validate config value either from ENV or CLI Flags, determine Ingestor’s Mode
  2. Read & validate RPC Config File
  3. Test all RPCs, filter only usable RPC only (chain type? response time? support methods?) The minimum number of usable RPCs required depends on type of chain and type of data.
  4. Init Client using the validated RPCs.
  5. Validate Producer config, try init
  6. Validate Resumer config, try init
  7. Init an Ingestor (this will be mostly always successful!)
  8. Start metric server
  9. *Init communication channel with Config’s ***channel_size

Scheduling jobs

Spawning 2 concurrent looping jobs by calling ingest_blocks method of Ingestor, one for Download with Client and the other for Publishing using Producer.

Communication is via flume’s channel.

The Ingestor stops when either both jobs are finished or an error has been thrown.

let (sender, receiver) = channel(channel_size);

try_join! {

Task Download Blocks

  1. Preparation

    Read config value, read Resumer to see if there are any recent blocks, so it can resume the progress, or start a new one.

    The output of this step is the STOP_BLOCK (which can be either None or a specific number) and last_downloaded_block (None if no saved blocks in Resumer)

    Create an instance of ChainPiece to help with block validation & reorg handling.

    Load the checkpoint-blocks to ChainPiece if possible.

    Get the latest_block_on_chain from RPC to help determine the exit condition of the loop

  2. Run in loop

    With each round, determine the actual_start_block and actual_stop_block

    actual_start_block = last_downloaded_block or START_BLOCK
    actual_stop_block = min(STOP_BLOCK or Infinity, latest_block_on_chain)

    If the actual_start_block > actual_stop_block , depends on the existence of STOP_BLOCK or STOP_BLOCK > latest_block_on_chain condition, it can decide to break the loop OR sleep for 10s to wait for more new blocks before continue. In case of sleeping and wait, after awake, update value latest_block_on_chain again.

    Using actual_start_block , actual_stop_block , config’s TASK_LIMIT and BATCH , generate download tasks and execute them to download blocks.

    Client‘s implementation for download should have infinite retry to ensure success.

    Download blocks are validated & merged to ChainPiece (ensuring blocks are properly linked and/or reorg handling)

    Forward validated blocks to Task Publish Blocks via channel

Task Publish Blocks

  1. Preparation

    Creating an instance of ChainPiece.

    Load checkpoint-blocks from Resumer if possible.

  2. Run in loop

    Upon receiving blocks via channel, Producer will publish the blocks.

    Create a new list of checkpoint-blocks ************by merging the newly received blocks to ChainPiece.

    Save the checkpoint-blocks from ChainPiece to Resumer (infinite retry)

Concurrent Download Tasks Group

The create_ranges function generates a list of tuples containing start and end blocks for a given range of blocks. It takes four arguments; start_block, stop_block, batch_size, and task_limit.

The start_block and stop_block arguments define the start and stop blocks of the overall range, while the batch_size argument defines how many blocks should be included in each range tuple. The task_limit argument determines the maximum number of ranges that should be generated.

The concurrent download task is based on creating block ranges - each of which will be sent to a single concurrent task that Client will accept as argument and make requests to RPC to fulfill it


let task_limit = 3;
let start_block = 1;
let stop_block = 10;
let batch_size = 3;
let ranges = [
    (1, 2, 3), //task 1
    (4, 5, 6), //task 2
  (7, 8, 9), //task 3
]; // because task_limit=3, there won't be block 10

The download_tasks function is generated from the ranges variable. It takes an array of tasks and calls the get_blocks method of the client.

For example:

let ranges = [(1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9)];
let download_tasks = [
 get_blocks((1,3)), //task 1 get blocks by range from 1 to 3
 get_blocks((4,6)), //task 2 get blocks by range from 4 to 6
 get_blocks((7,9)), //task 3 get blocks by range from 7 to 9

Download Concurrency Tasks diagram:

participant main
participant Client
participant RPC
participant channel

activate main
activate channel
activate Client
activate RPC

Note over RPC: RPC urls from `config_file`

loop download round (nth)
    main->>+main: create N ranges R[(start, stop)]
    Note over Client: concurrent N tasks

    main->>+Client: create single-task for R[i] in R

    par exec multi single-task (for i=0 in 0..N)
        main->>+Client: exec single-task i with range R[i]
        Note right of Client: this is Evm chain implementation
        Note right of Client: round-robin RPC on each request & each retry
        par get_blocks (headers + TXS)
            Client ->>+ RPC: 1 request (retry until OK)
            RPC -->>+ Client: data
        and get_logs
            Client ->>+ RPC: 1 request (retry until OK)
            RPC -->>+ Client: data
        and get_trace (optional)
            Client ->>+ RPC: 1 request (retry until OK)
            RPC -->>+ Client: data
        Client->>+Client: merge block data
        Client-->>main: blocks in range R[i]
    main->>+main: merge all blocks in all ranges
    main->>+channel: send blocks

The number of ranges N in each download round will be based on the config’s TASK_LIMIT and the current available blocks from chain

The number of blocks in each range will be based on the config’s BATCH value

Block validation & Reorg handling


The Ingestor downloads blocks in sorted order. The fundamental validation is to confirm continuity (blocks are correctly linked together):

  • Block numbers are incremental
  • Block hashes & parent-hashes are properly linked together

The pseudocode for this is

def are_blocks_valid(blocks):
    for idx in 1..len(blocks):
            # Skip idx = 0 because no parent block
            block = blocks[idx]
        parent_block = blocks[idx - 1]

            if block.number - 1 != parent_block.number:
                    return False

        if block.parent_hash != parent_block.hash:
                    return False


    return True

Since the Ingestor synchronously downloads blocks in ranges, every newly downloaded blocks must also be linked to the previously downloaded blocks.

Therefore, it is necessary to store some of the most recently downloaded blocks in memory for validation. The first block of the new blocks will be checked against the last block of the last downloaded blocks.

To enable the Ingestor to resume progress when restarted, the in-memory blocks needs to be stored externally in the Resumer as well (checkpoint-blocks)

Reorg Handling Algorithm

Facts & assumptions

When backfilling (no reorg), store only the last block from the previously downloaded blocks to help with validation & resuming. Infinite retry download if validation fails.

When downloading latest blocks, reorg happens often. Without proper handling, the published blocks becomes invalid - and reorg blocks are missed forever.

The depth of reorg varies greatly depending on the chain (from few blocks to hundred of blocks)

With real-time block ingestion, store a specific number N of latest downloaded blocks in memory (N > max reorg-depth ever per chain). This number is set by config value REORG_THRESHOLD

The Algorithm

Consider an example using gitgraph below, with REORG_THRESHOLD=5 , where:

  • main: an in-memory piece of chain that keeps most recent downloaded blocks (5 blocks)
  • new-blocks: newly downloaded blocks;
  • last_downloaded_block = (A+4)
title: New blocks scenario
   commit id: "block(A)"
   commit id: "block(A+1)"
     commit id: "block(A+2)"
   commit id: "block(A+3)"
   commit id: "block(A+4)" tag: "last_downloaded_block"
   branch new-blocks
   checkout new-blocks
   commit id: "block(A+5)"
   commit id: "block(A+6)"
   commit id: "block(A+7)"

Validate the new blocks by asserting the continuity from block(A+4)to block(A+7) (the assertion is fail-fast - returns immediately if 2 blocks are not correctly linked).

There will be 3 possible cases of the result

  1. the assertion passed, the new blocks are good

    title: Case (1)
       commit id: "block(A)"
       commit id: "block(A+1)"
         commit id: "block(A+2)"
       commit id: "block(A+3)"
       commit id: "block(A+4)"
       commit id: "block(A+5)" type: HIGHLIGHT
       commit id: "block(A+6)" type: HIGHLIGHT
       commit id: "block(A+7)" type: HIGHLIGHT tag: "last_downloaded_block"

    Merge the new blocks with the current blocks

    Update last_downloaded_block = (A+7)then move forward (note that this does not guarantee the blocks’ finality - they can still be reorg-ed later)

  2. interruption happened between any 2 new blocks

    title: Case (2)
       commit id: "block(A)"
       commit id: "block(A+1)"
         commit id: "block(A+2)"
       commit id: "block(A+3)"
       commit id: "block(A+4)"
       branch new-blocks
       checkout new-blocks
       commit id: "block(A+5)"
       commit id: "block(A+6)" type: REVERSE
       commit id: "block(A+7)"

    Either the data is bad or reorg happened in the middle of download progress.

    If reorg, by now the depth of this reorg is not determined. The new blocks is a mix of before-reorg blocks & after-reorg blocks. To unify them, retry download to obtain only after-reorg blocks, validate them until the assertion result falls into case #1 or #3:

    • if reorg-block > block(A+4) : after retry, new blocks will be valid to proceed to case #1
    • If reorg-block < block(A+5) : after retry, new blocks will be valid but block(A+4) and block(A+5) are not connected (case #3)
  3. Interruption between block(A+4) & block(A+5)

    title: Case (3)
       commit id: "block(A)"
       commit id: "block(A+1)"
         commit id: "block(A+2)"
       commit id: "block(A+3)"
       commit id: "block(A+4)"
       branch new-blocks
       checkout new-blocks
       commit id: "block(A+5)" type: REVERSE
       commit id: "block(A+6)"
       commit id: "block(A+7)"

    Reorg happened somewhere from block(A) to block(A+4)

    To find the reorg-block, keep downloading blocks backward from block(A+4) to block(A) for comparison. (to fasten the process and as we only care about block number and hash, we use Client get_light_blocks method)

    Iterate through re-downloaded blocks to find reorg-block X that is:

    • X is not on main
    • X's parent-block is on main
    title: Example where Reorg-block X = (A+3)
        commit id: "block(A)"
        commit id: "block(A+1)"
        commit id: "block(A+2)"
        branch re-downloaded
        checkout re-downloaded
        commit id: "**block(A+3)"
        commit id: "**block(A+4)"
        checkout main
        commit id: "block(A+3)"
        commit id: "block(A+4)"

    Once found, discard all the blocks on main where block-number ≥ reorg-block X (A+3)

    title: Merge re-dowloaded to main
        commit id: "block(A)"
        commit id: "block(A+1)"
        commit id: "block(A+2)" tag: "last_downloaded_block"
        commit id: "**block(A+3)" type: REVERSE
        commit id: "**block(A+4)" type: REVERSE

    Here we cannot merge the re-downloaded blocks to main because, the re-downloaded blocks are not full blocks - hence not usable. We still need to re-download the full blocks - and to do that the Client need exact value of last_downloaded_block

    Mark success. Notify the Client about the revert last_downloaded_block = (A+2)

The ChainPiece

The ChainPiece module is a concrete implementation of The Algorithm for reorg handling.

ChainPiece keeps 2 data structures to represent part of the chain that contains our latest downloaded blocks:

  • a HashMap (block-number → block-hash): help lookup block-hash using block number
  • a Deque of block-number: list of sorted block number, can be extended and shortened by popping item back or front

Because the ChainPiece employs composite data structure strategy, it is intended used in single-threaded environment.

The ChainPiece has the following methods (B = abstract block type)

  • new() → Self
  • is_on_chain(&self, block: B) -> bool
  • is_parent_on_chain(&self, block: B) -> bool
  • append_new_block(&mut self, block: B)
  • remove_head_block(&mut self, remove_head: int) -> bool discard block at head of the deque up to the remove_head
  • check_blocks_continuity(&self, blocks: B[]) -> bool
  • merge(&mut self, blocks: B[]) -> Ok | Err merge new blocks to its chain, OK if merge OK or Reorg-block found, Error if otherwise
  • extract_blocks(&self) -> B[] extract minimal block data of blocks on its chain (help with saving checkpoints)

Feed new downloaded blocks to merge method of ChainPiece, the result type are as follow:

/// If result is OK
enum MergeStatus {
    // merge new blocks OK
    // a reorg-block found

/// if result is Error
enum Error {
    // When REORG_THRESHOLD is too small to handle reorg
    // Continuity check fail,
    // Inner value is none if ChainPiece has no blocks
    // Cannot determine reorg depth,
    // revert further to block in Inner value
    StepBack(u64), //

The ChainPiece when used with Ingestor’s task_download_block, its flow is described as below diagram

    last_downloaded_block --> client_get_full_blocks: init download round
    note left of last_downloaded_block: start here!
    client_get_full_blocks --> blocks
    blocks --> chain_piece_merge: full or light blocks
    chain_piece_merge --> OK(head)
    OK(head) --> last_downloaded_block: update to (head)

    chain_piece_merge --> Reorg(block)
    Reorg(block) --> last_downloaded_block: update to (block-1)

    chain_piece_merge --> StepBack(back_to_block)
    chain_piece_merge --> Err(Interrupted)
    chain_piece_merge --> Err(ReorgTooDeep)
    Err(Interrupted) --> client_get_full_blocks
    StepBack(back_to_block) --> client_get_light_blocks
    client_get_light_blocks --> blocks

        Err(ReorgTooDeep) --> panic
        note right of panic: manually handle reorg

Another ChainPiece instance must be used with Ingestor’s task_publish_block to mirror the changes from the task_download_block ChainPiece instance and save to Resumer.

Actor Implementations

Under construction



Some public RPCs do not support certain methods, such as get_logs and get_trace_call. Therefore, we need to check the RPC before using these methods.

To filter the RPC:

  • If the RPC supports getting logs, set the RPC to Archive Type.
  • If the RPC supports getting trace_call, set the RPC to Trace Type.
  • Otherwise, if the RPC can only get block header and transactions, set the RPC to Light Type.


The producer serializes downloaded blocks into protobuf messages and publish them to Google Pub/Sub. If consuming order is required, publishing order is required too by using non-empty ordering-key

GooglePubSub has some limit for publishing

  • Maximum request size = 10Mb
  • Maximum number of messages per request = 1000
  • Maximum throughput per ordering-key = 1Mb/s

Because of this, splitting algorithm is applied to slice blocks array to multiple groups that fits the requirement

On throughput error, producer will infinitely retry with exponential-backoff


Now has only 1 implementation using Redis

Use hmap to store recent downloaded blocks, the key name can be manually configured or auto config using NameService

  • key: block number
  • value: {block-hash}:{parent-hash}

Every time a group blocks get published successfully, this map will be complete overwritten.


To prevent errors/misconfigurations/misuse when dealing with names, we use NameService to setup the following values

  • RESUMER_KEY : the key in resumer(redis) which we use to store recent blocks that help resuming
  • CONFIG_KEY: the key in redis which we use to store adjustable config - which we can change Ingestor’s behavior on the fly
pub struct NameService {
    pub resumer_key: String,
    pub config_key: String,

The NameService will be init-ed using input Config & the ChainType that we are working with.

pub enum ChainType {

There are KEY_PREFIX from Config that add custom prefix value to each name in NameService

The values from NameService can be overridden if config_key and/or resumer_key are specified in Config.

Unless specified in Config, NameService’ names will include the following values as part of the names:

  • blocks_range: {START_BLOCK}_{STOP_BLOCK}

    example: 10000_11000 (stop_bock defined) or 10000_latest (stop_block not defined)

  • KEY_PREFIX: default to bedrock

For Ethereum

EVM chain names are automatically setup using chain_id obtained from the RPC. The known names are as following

pub enum EvmChainName {

impl From<u64> for EvmChainName {
    fn from(chain_id: u64) -> Self {
        match chain_id {
            1 => EvmChainName::Ethereum,
            56 => EvmChainName::Bsc,
            137 => EvmChainName::Polygon,
            10 => EvmChainName::Optimism,
            250 => EvmChainName::Fantom,
            43114 => EvmChainName::Avalanche,
            42161 => EvmChainName::Arbitrum,
            _ => EvmChainName::Unknown,

The names will be as following:

  • resumer_key: {KEY_PREFIX}_resumer__{chain_name}__{blocks_range}

    **bedrock_resumer__arbitrum__16000000_latest**, or
  • config_key: {KEY_PREFIX}_*config*__{chain_name}__{blocks_range}

    **bedrock_config__polygon__16000000_latest**, or


The load balancing algorithm used by the RoundRobin client is also explained in detail.

RoundRobin Algorithm

  • Supports weighted mode.
  • Includes classic-wrr and interleave-wrr.
  • A weight of zero means that items will be ignored from the selection.
  • Assumes all inputs are valid. Panic will occur otherwise.
  • Resiliency is not supported, meaning if an empty list is passed to the LoadBalancer, it will panic immediately.

Ingestor’s RoundRobinClient

Given we have multiple RPC urls, with each of them we create an atomic, single RPC-Client

To apply round-robin on available RPC urls. We create a wrapper over the underlying normal RPC-Clients.

Every time RoundRobinClient makes a request, its load-balancer will pick one RPC-Client from the client pool to use

Example with pseudo-code:

let rpcs = ["rpc1", "rpc2", "rpc3"]
let clients = [Client(rpc) for rpc in rpcs]
let rr_client = RoundRobinClient(clients)


We use Promethus to observe ingestor’s behavior & performance. The specific metrics are listed with comments in the following code block

Default endpoint path: :8060/metrics

pub struct IngestorMetrics {
        // A static value, indicating the start-block at start-up of the Ingestor.
        // The value mostly comes from config or checkpoint store
        // and does not change over time
    pub ingestor_start_block: IntCounter,
        // A static value, indicating stop block of the process
    pub ingestor_target_block: IntCounter,
        // The latest published block, can increase or decrease if reorg
    pub last_published_block: IntGauge,
        // The latest downloaded block, can increase or decrease if reorg
    pub last_downloaded_block: IntGauge,
        // Count how many blocks have been downloaded from start
    pub downloaded_blocks_counter: IntCounter,
        // Count how many blocks have been published from start
    pub published_blocks_counter: IntCounter,
        // Histogram that observes the time each publish request cost
    pub publish_request_duration: Histogram,
        // Histogram that observes the time that download cost,
        // either single-task or group-task
    pub blocks_download_duration: HistogramVec,
        // Static value, showing config values that needs observing
    pub config_gauge: IntGaugeVec,


This document provides configuration and deployment instructions for the Ingestor, including recommended default values for various parameters.

Ref: Example deployment

Config Topic and Subscriber name

  • Topic latest blocks name: bedrock_blocks__{chain_name}
    • eth: bedrock_blocks__eth
    • bsc: bedrock_blocks__bsc
  • Topic backfill blocks name: bedrock_blocks__{chain_name}_backfill
  • Subscriber name: {topic_name}-sub

RPC List Endpoints By Chain

List config RPC by chain tested

This is CONFIG_FILE in env above

Config struct:

//list RPC endpoints
rpc = [
        endpoint = "https://rpc_endpoint",
        weight = 1 // load balancer weight
  • Sample:
    • Ethereum

      rpc = [
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 }
    • BSC

      rpc = [
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
    • Fantom

      rpc = [
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 }
    • Polygon

      rpc = [
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
    • Avalanche

      rpc = [
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 },
          { endpoint = "", weight = 1 }

Memory Management

The memory required to run Ingestor depends on how much data it will be holding on during its lifetime.

The pending block data that Ingestor keeps between downloading & publishing shall be accounting for 90 to 95% percent of the memory required

The block data size is directly dependent on the config’s TASK_LIMIT & BATCH_SIZE

Example: a config of 20 task-limit & 20 batch-size shall result in 400 pending blocks staying in the memory. And because of concurrency, with 400 blocks being in the memory, the Ingestor can be still running and downloading more blocks - so it can be up to 800 blocks in the memory at the same time. Multiply this with the biggest block-size found on chain, eg 250KB, we can determine the blocks will require 200Mb of ram.

Because these configs are coded to be adjustable during run time, to calculate the exact memory requirement - plus safety factor - it can follow this:

    TASK_LIMIT: max-possible task-limit in the download range
    BATCH_SIZE: max-possible batch-size in the download range
    BLOCK_SIZE: max block-size in the download range
    2: safety factor

PubSub Producer Feature


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct PubSubConfig {
    pubsub_topic: String,
    pubsub_ordering_key: Option<String>,
    pubsub_compression: bool, //Compress message data with lz4


export pubsub_topic=example
export pubsub_ordering_key=example_eth
export pubsub_compression=false/true


cargo build --release -F pubsub

./target/release/ingestor \
--start-block 12369611 \
--batch 10 \
--task-limit 10 \
--channel-size 2 \
--block-partition 100000 \
--config secrets/ethereum.toml \
--request-timeout 50 \
--producer pubsub \
--resumer redis://localhost:6379


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