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Repo spins up frontend application setup which include CloudFront distribution, S3 bucket and DNS record.


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Repo spins up frontend application setup which include CloudFront distribution, S3 bucket and DNS record, waf.


module "this" {
  source  = "dasmeta/frontend-app/aws"
  version = "1.1.0"

  domain = ""
  zone   = ""

  providers = { aws : aws, aws.virginia : aws.virginia }


Name Version
terraform > 1.3.0
aws >= 5.27.0, < 6.0


No providers.


Name Source Version
cdn dasmeta/modules/aws//modules/cloudfront-ssl-hsts 2.16.0
dns dasmeta/dns/aws 1.0.4
dns_alternative dasmeta/dns/aws 1.0.4
s3 dasmeta/s3/aws 1.3.1
waf dasmeta/modules/aws//modules/waf 2.15.6


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
alternative_domains n/a list(string) [] no
alternative_zones n/a list(string) [] no
cdn_configs CDN configuration options
default_root_object = optional(string, "index.html")
additional_origins = optional(any, [])
"additional_origins": [],
"default_root_object": "index.html"
domain domain full name string n/a yes
enable_http_security_headers Whether to enable http security headers by creating pass through lambda handler for cdn bool false no
s3_configs S3 bucket configuration options
acl = optional(string, "private")
create_index_html = optional(bool, true)
ignore_public_acls = optional(bool, true)
restrict_public_buckets = optional(bool, true)
block_public_acls = optional(bool, true)
block_public_policy = optional(bool, true)

versioning = optional(object({ enabled = bool }), { enabled = false })
website = optional(object({ index_document = string, error_document = string }), { index_document = "index.html", error_document = "index.html" })
create_iam_user = optional(bool, false)
cors_rule = optional(list(any), [])
event_notification_config = optional(object({
target_type = string, // Target type for the S3 event notification, can be "sqs" or "null". Other target types can be implemented in the future.
name_suffix = string, // Suffix to add to the target name.
filter_prefix = string, // Prefix to filter object key names for the event notification.
events = optional(list(string), ["s3:ObjectCreated:"]) // List of S3 events that trigger the notification. Defaults to "s3:ObjectCreated:".
}), {
target_type = "null"
name_suffix = "event"
filter_prefix = "test/"
events = ["s3:ObjectCreated:*"]
"acl": "private",
"block_public_acls": true,
"block_public_policy": true,
"cors_rule": [],
"create_iam_user": false,
"create_index_html": true,
"event-notification-config": {
"events": [
"filter_prefix": "test/",
"queue_name": "test",
"target_type": "null"
"ignore_public_acls": true,
"restrict_public_buckets": true,
"versioning": {
"enabled": false
"website": {
"error_document": "index.html",
"index_document": "index.html"
waf waf configs any null no
zone R53 zone name string null no


Name Description
distribution_id cloudfront distribution id
s3_bucket_id s3 bucket name/id
s3_config n/a
web_acl_id waf arm/id