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Single/Multi Select React Component

Demo and Specimens


npm install react-sm-select


import { MultiSelect } from 'react-sm-select';
import 'react-sm-select/dist/styles.css';


state = {
  options: [
    { value: 'red', label: 'Red' },
    { value: 'blue', label: 'Blue' }
  value: ['blue']


  onChange={value => this.setState({ value })}


Can be used css overriding, see compiled css. Or use scss variables for general styling.

@import 'react-sm-select/dist/variables';

$SM-white: #fff;
$SM-brightGrey: #ebf5ff;
$SM-smoothGray: #f3f3f3;
$SM-lightGrey: #cfd4d9;
$SM-lightBlue: #1298d4;
$SM-grey: #949ca6;
$SM-darkBlue: #143154;
$SM-shadowBlue: rgba(18,152,212,0.5);

// General Colors
$SM-backgroundColor: $SM-white;
$SM-focusColor: $SM-lightBlue;
$SM-mutedColor: $SM-grey;
$SM-borderColor: $SM-grey;
$SM-textColor: $SM-darkBlue;

// Value Colors
$SM-headerSelectedColor: $SM-shadowBlue;
$SM-valueColor: $SM-textColor;
$SM-valuePlaceholderColor: $SM-mutedColor;

$SM-counterColor: $SM-focusColor;

$SM-tagColor: $SM-white;
$SM-tagBackgroundColor: $SM-focusColor;
$SM-tagCloseColor: $SM-textColor;
$SM-tagCloseBackgroundColor: $SM-lightGrey;

// DropDown Arrow
$SM-dropDownArrowColor: $SM-mutedColor;
$SM-dropDownActiveArrowColor: $SM-lightBlue;

// Search Colors
$SM-searchTextColor: $SM-textColor;
$SM-searchPlaceholderColor: $SM-mutedColor;
$SM-searchSelectedColor: $SM-shadowBlue;

// Option Colors
$SM-itemTextColor: $SM-textColor;
$SM-itemBackgroundHoverColor: $SM-brightGrey;
$SM-itemBackgroundFocusColor: $SM-smoothGray;
$SM-dividerColor: $SM-lightGrey;
$SM-selectAllColor: $SM-itemTextColor;

// Size
$SM-fieldHeight: 42px;
$SM-itemHeight: $SM-fieldHeight - 4px;
$SM-borderRadius: 5px;
$SM-tagBorderRadius: 3px;
$SM-dropDownHeight: 300px;

// Other
$SM-dropDownZIndex: 1;

@import 'react-sm-select/dist/main';



  • mode: string: 'list' Behaviour mode: 'list', 'tags', 'counter', 'single'

  • options: array Array of options to select from: Required

  { value: 'red', label: 'Red' },
  { value: 'blue', label: 'Blue' }
  • value: array: [] Array of preselected options:
[ 'red', 'blue' ]
  • disabled: boolean: false Disable component

  • enableSearch: boolean: false Enables search field

  • id: string ID attribute of the container

  • isLoading: boolean: false Shows loading indicator

  • hasSelectAll: boolean: false Shows 'Select All'

  • maxOptionsToRender: number: undefined Max options to render

  • resetable: boolean: false Add delete button to reset value

  • resetTo: array: [] Value to be reset to

  • shouldToggleOnHover: boolean: false Toggle drop-down on hover

  • stopClickPropagation: boolean: false Stop Header click event propagation

Labels / Placeholders

  • allSelectedLabel: string: 'All items are selected' Label for all selected items

  • counterLabel: string: undefined Value Label for 'counter' mode

  • searchPlaceholder: string: 'Search' Search field placeholder

  • searchMorePlaceholder: string: 'Search to see more ...' If 'maxOptionsToRender' is defined

  • selectAllLabel: string: 'Select All' Select All label

  • valuePlaceholder: string: 'Select ...' Value placeholder


  • onBlur: function On Blur:
onBlur(value) {
  // value - array of selected values, see 'value' property
  • onChange: function On Change:
onChange(value) {
  // value - array of selected values, see 'value' property
  • onClose: function On Close:
onClose(value) {
  // value - array of selected values, see 'value' property


  • filterOptions: function Filter / Search:
filterOptions(options, text) {
  // options - see 'options' property
  // text - search string
  return - array of filtered options


  • Arrow: function DropDown Arrow:
({options, value, expanded, hasFocus, disabled}) => {
  // options: array - see 'options' prop 
  // value: array - see 'value' property
  // expanded: boolean - expanded component status
  // hasFocus: boolean - hasFocus component status
  // disabled: boolean - disabled component status
  return - component to render custom Arrow
  • Loading: function Loading Indicator:
() => {
  return - component to render custom Loading Indicator
  • Option: function Option:
({checked, option, isSingle}) => {
  // option: object - from options props: { value, label }  
  // checked: boolean - define if option is checked
  // isSingle: boolean - single selection mode
  return - component to render custom Option
  • Tag: function Tag:
({label, index, removableTag, onTagRemove}) => {
  // label: string - tag label
  // index: number - tag index in array used in removal 
  // removableTag: boolean - display/hide remove tag button
  // onTagRemove: function - callback to remove selected tag
  return - component to render custom Tag
  • Value: function Value:
({value, options}) => {
  // options: array - see 'options' property
  // value: array - see 'value' property
  return - component to render custom Value


If you have found an issue or would like to request a new feature, simply create a new issue detailing the request. We also welcome pull requests. See below for information on getting started with development.


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npm install

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npm start

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npm test

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# or
npm run test:w