numismatic database cartographer
pip install
aureo will output an html file, you can open this file in a web browser
d888 8888 888 8888888b. 8888888888 .d88888b.
d8888 8888 888 888 Y88b 888 d88P" "Y88b
d88P88 8888 888 888 888 888 888 888
d88P 88 8888 888 888 d88P 8888888 888 888
d88P 88 8888 888 8888888P" 888 888 888
d88P 88 8888 888 888 T88b 888 888 888
d888888888 8Y88b. .d88P 888 T88b 888 Y88b. .d88P
d88P 88 "Y88888P" 888 T88b 8888888888 "Y88888P"
numismatic database cartographer
Version: 0.0.1
Author: Danny Antaki <dantaki at ucsd dot com>
About: map generator for coin collections
Usage: aureo [-h] <-db database> <-loc locations> [options]
Required Arguments:
-db PATH coin database file
-loc PATH mint location file
-img PATH folder containing images
-w STR weight unit [default: g]
-o STR output prefix [default: aureo]
-h print this message and exit
the database and location file must be tab delimited
for an example of the database file, please refer to
coindb.txt on github:
the location file must contain this header in this order:
'Mint Latitude Longitude' with decimal coordinates
images must be jpegs 800 x 800 pixels, 300 dpi
filenames must be in this exact format:
the 'ImagePrefix' column in the database file must
defined to include images in aureo maps
: Mint Location File- tab delimited
- Required Columns:
- Mint
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Decimal coordinates
: Coin Data Base File- example
- tab delimited
- Required Columns:
- MinDate
- MaxDate
- Denomination
- Authority
- Mint
- Region
- Obverse
- ObverseType
- Reverse
- ReverseType
- Mintmark
- Weight
- Notes
- Optional Columns:
- ImagePrefix
takes the path to the images- Image filename must match the
column in the-db
file - Image filename format:
Danny Antaki
dantaki at ucsd dot edu