To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
✅ Kingfisher image loading and caching base
✅ Large Image(Testing with 100 million pixel image) Display Supported, Steady Memory Consumption
✅ Gif Supported
✅ Zooming by double tap and pinch gesture
✅ Display and dismiss animation customizable
✅ Screen rotate supported
✅ Customizable accessory view cover on each cell
✅ Customizable accessory view fulltime cover
✅ Customizable video view as your provide
- Controller.View
- CollectionView
- ImageCell
- Cell.ContentView
- ScrollViewForImageZooming
- UIImageView
- ScrollViewForImageZooming(Only appear when large image displaying)
- TiledImageView
- AccessoryView(As your provide)
- ScrollViewForImageZooming
- Cell.ContentView
- VideoCell
- Cell.ContentView
- VideoView (As your provide)
- AccessoryView(As your provide)
- Cell.ContentView
- ImageCell
- Custom console (the basic custom on Controller.view, front of the CollectionView)
- CollectionView
Memory consumption during browsed all resources in demo that is running on a old device(iPhone6s, iOS13, 80% battery health)
- Demo is include more than one of 100 million pixel image
- Running on a old device(iPhone6s, iOS13, 80% battery health)
Large Image Displaying
Dismiss on drag
Screen Rotate
Video Playing
class Previewer: UIViewController { ... }
public weak var delegate: Delegate?
public weak var dataSource: DataSource?
/// - Parameters:
/// - container: Tell Previewer which view component tirggers this display operation, all is for the display animation.
/// if nil, Previewer will provide a fade animate.
/// - fromSource: When displaying animate play, Previewer should known who is the animation acort.
/// Of course you can passing nil, then Previewer will get that from 'dataSource' by 'currentIndex'.
/// - index: Tell Previewer which resource you wanna show from the 'dataSource' at index
/// - controller: The controller which is presenting Previewer
public func display(fromImageContainer container: UIView? = nil, fromSource source: UIImage? = nil, presentingController: UIViewController? = nil, current index: Int = 0)
/// The base resource provider of ImageProvider and VideoProvider
public protocol ResourceProvider {}
public protocol ImageProvider: ResourceProvider, Kingfisher.ImageDataProvider {}
public protocol VideoProvider: ResourceProvider, AnyObject {
/// Video Content View
var videoView: CZImagePreviewer.VideoView? { get }
// Previewer should lintening the video size's changing, returning the new size in this closure
typealias VideoSizeProvider = (_ videoSize: CGSize) -> Void
var videoSizeProvider: VideoSizeProvider? { get set }
func play()
func pause()
func cellDidEndDisplay()
// You can do some preparing opreation for the video resource right here
func perload()
public protocol DataSource: AnyObject {
func numberOfItems(in previewer: Previewer) -> Int
func imagePreviewer(_ previewer: Previewer, resourceForItemAtIndex index: Int) -> ResourceProvider?
func imagePreviewer(_ previewer: Previewer, imageLoadingStateDidChanged state: Previewer.ImageLoadingState, at index: Int, accessoryView: AccessoryView?)
/// Provide the accessory view for Previewer, this accessory view is not a part of scrolling or zooming effect.
/// Will calling when the index changed.
/// - imagePreviewer: Previewer
/// - index: which index of item need accessory view
func imagePreviewer(_ imagePreviewer: Previewer, consoleForItemAtIndex index: Int) -> AccessoryView?
/// Provider the accessory view for Previewer on each cell item. this is not part of zooming effect, but scrolling is.
/// This accessory view will cover on the cell.
/// Will calling when the index changed.
/// - imagePreviewer: Previewer
/// - cell: which cell adding this AccessoryView as the subview.
/// - index: which index of item need accessory view
func imagePreviewer(_ imagePreviewer: Previewer, accessoryViewForCell cell: CollectionViewCell, at index: Int) -> AccessoryView?
public protocol Delegate: AnyObject {
func imagePreviewer(_ previewer: Previewer, willDisplayAtIndex index: Int)
func imagePreviewer(_ previewer: Previewer, didDisplayAtIndex index: Int)
func imagePreviewer(_ previewer: Previewer, indexDidChangedTo newIndex: Int, fromOldIndex oldIndex: Int)
func imagePreviewer(_ previewer: Previewer, willDismissWithCell cell: CollectionViewCell, at index: Int) -> UIView?
func imagePreviewerDidDismiss(_ previewer: Previewer)
/// longPress gesture event happened with Previewer
func imagePreviewer(_ previewer: Previewer, didLongPressAtIndex index: Int)
/// By default, Previewer did add two kinds of gesture for dismiss: UITapGesture and UIPanningGesture.
/// Call when Tap or Panning gesture been trigger. The returning Boolean value is deciding this dismiss should be happen or not.
func imagePreviewer(_ previewer: Previewer, shouldDismissWithGesture gesture: UIGestureRecognizer, at index: Int) -> Bool
/// Call after Previewer executed method: `deleteItems(at indexs: [Int])`
func imagePreviewer(_ previewer: Previewer, didFinishDeletedItems indexs: [Int])
iOS 12+
CZImagePreviewer is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'CZImagePreviewer'
CZImagePreviewer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.