Tool to administrate Odoo environments
Moldeo Interactive (c) 2014-2018 Cristian S. Rocha
This code is distributed under the MIT license.
OdooEnv is a python based environment manager. It is a derivative from OERPenv which exists in "". But when OpenERP was renamed to Odoo, we changed the OERPEnv to OdooEnv. We also changed the source repository, changing it from launchpad to github.
Using PIP installer (pip needs to be installed)
pip install odooenv
The odooenv command line is available with the following sub-commands:
usage: odooenv [-h]
optional arguments:
-h, --help shows this help message and exits
The Odoo environment administrator helps you administrate Odoo
environments. You can use the following commands.
init Initializes an environment in the work path or in the
declared path.
update Updates sources.
create Creates a new python environment.
add Adds a branch to the sources list.
install Installs all the required software in the default environment. The packages to be installed need to be declared
in the environment file.
list-installables Lists all available applications in sources.
list-addons Lists available addons in sources. Shows all addons if
not filter expression declared.
enable Enables addons on the environment. Creates a symbolic
disable Disables addons on the environment. Removes a symbolic
dummy Creates a dummy addon. Useful for creating a new addon from scratch.
test Executes the server in test mode for this addon.
client Executes the server in test mode for this addon.
search Searchs addon with this object.
show Shows addon information.
All configurations are stored in the environment.conf file. You can setup it by hand or by using the available commands listed above.
To create a simple Odoo instance you need to run the following commands in your work directory.
$ odooenv init odoo_env
$ cd odoo_env
$ odooenv install
$ odooenv list-addons
Search for an addon to test, like hr_attendance
$ odooenv enable hr_attendance
$ odooenv test hr_attendance
In case you want to run the server, you only need to execute:
$ odooenv server-start --debug
The server should be running and you can start working with Odoo by launching your browser and pointing it to the appropiate port (commonly 8069)
If you need test more than one module, or you want develop a new addon you can create a dummy addon in the following way:
$ odooenv dummy hr_test
In the output you can find the source path. There you can found the file. Append the modules you want to test in the 'depends' field, in this example will use hr_attendace and hr_contract. If you done all right you can execute the follwing command without errors:
$ odooenv enable hr_test
Then you can execute the server in mode test again, for the new module.
$ odooenv test hr_test
To search the source code of a code you can use the command 'search'.
To show addon information, like description, declarated objects and path to the source you can use the command 'show'.