I am a former tax accountant who survived Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and then went back to my alma mater for a Master's in Computer Science. And since then, I have been feeling like a fish back to the sea.
- 🔭 I’m currently collabrating on an Art Management System, doing pro-bono web dev work for a non-profit orgnization, and building up my confidence to contribute to some open-source projects I love aside from working
- 🌱 I’m currently learning PERN Stack, TypeScript, ASP.NET, and Golang
- 📫 Send me a LinkedIn Request and let's get the DM going if you wanna chat or collab on some projects
- ⚡ Fun fact: I tore my right knee ACL from playing Dance Dance Revolution in 2023
- Coding In Flow - Florian covers MERN Stack, Next.js, Good practice, and so much more. Florian uses TypeScript, and Florian loves Express Sessions as much as his dry humors.
- Frank Liu - Frank posts great code-along ASP.NET projects. He is straightforward, knowledgeable, and very efficient.
- Kevin Powell - Kevin is our CSS dad. Kevin is a CSS magician.
- Web Dev Simplified - Kyle was the first creator I checked out for React Tutorial. His barebone To-do list was my first introduction to useState(). Kyle covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to, React, TypeScript, Web Dev, and more.