Admin req
Fix config: log and cors
Setup Middleware Auth user(unix_id)
Setup Middleware Auth admin(unix_id with os.Getenv("ADMIN_ID"))
[-] Setup Expire for JWT
Root admin by env ADMIN_ID
POST deactive admin
- with midlleware auth admin
POST active admin
- with midlleware auth admin
~GET Log service
- Auth middleware admin, Uri(unix_id on env)
GET Service status
- Auth middleware admin, Uri(unix_id on env)
PUT Update User profile admin
- Update data can be empty content
- update with name, email, phone
- Auth middleware admin, Uri(unix_id on env)
POST get all user by admin
- Auth middleware admin, Uri(unix_id on env)
PUT update password by admin
- Auth middleware admin, Uri(unix_id on env)
POST Register
- POST Check email
- POST Check phone
POST Login
Dashboard (Middleware Auth)
PUT Update User profile
- Update data can be empty content
- update with name, email, phone
GET User Profile
- Auth middleware
PUT update password
Auth middleware
with middleware on token
POST Update_avatar
POST Logout
- Delete token
- GET getAdminID/:unix_id
- not use middleware auth
- ~CI/CD Github Actions
- [] Push to Docker Hub
- [] Push to GCP registry
- For update user this is server must use middleware auth admin same env ADMIN_ID
- Admin can update user profile
- Admin can deactive user
- Admin can active user
- Admin can get user profile
- Remember to set env ADMIN_ID same with unix_id on user