A CLI calculator implemented with python.
Allow to make the follow operations:
- Addition: +
- Subtraction: -
- Multiplication: *
- Divition: /
- Power: **
- Percent: %
- Absolute output: with the specified ~a option, allow to get absolute values
Have the option to auto-copy to the paperclip with the command ~cp.
Download the current repository in any dir of your computer and remember the path to it.
Install calcylator with pip:
To just install in path and use it as a command:
pip install /path/to/calcylator/folder
To add the option to edit the script without need to install each time:
pip install -e /path/to/calcylator/folder
When installed, run:
For help:
calcylator ~h
Monomials operations:
calcylator 2+2
calcylator 2-2
calcylator 2/2
calcylator 2*2
calcylator 2**2
calcylator 2%
Polinomials operations:
calcylator 2+2*2-2/2**2*2%
To get the output as an absolute value:
calcylator ~a -5
To auto-copy to paperclip:
calcylator ~cp 2+2
You need to have installed python in your computer.
Calcylator doesn't resolve algebraic operations.
The absolute option "~a" just it's aplicated for the output, doesn't mean you can write as input somethin like:
calcylator |-5|
This will remove "|" and just return -5.
~cp command:
If you have any problem with the ~cp option, it's because a problem with the pyperclip librarie, try to run any of this commands (NOT ALL OF THEM):
To install the xsel utility:
sudo apt-get install xsel
To install the xclip utility:
sudo apt-get install xclip
To install the gtk Python module:
pip install gtk
To install the PyQt4 Python module:
pip install PyQt4
For more information, go to the pyperclip website documentation.
If you have any feedback, please feel free to fork this repository and update.