This repository contains the theme code for our CP3402 Project. It will be updated collaboratively through GitHub branches and version control, and then be used for our WordPress site for U3A online.
Amber Hogarth
Billy Domanti
Lachlan Holmes
Luca Adornetto
Piyush Verma
Describes development and deloyment workflow in detail to allow new users to successfully develop a theme. These development features include being able to update locally, then test and deploy to staging and live sites. Furthermore, this documentation outlines project management, version control, testing and automation. Deployment Documentation
Contains documentation about the U3A Online Theme to help new developers. Outlines the current themes in use, files that need to be editted for theme development as well as current design, font and colour decisions implemented in the current webpage. Sources for theme items used. Theme Documentation
Admin features outlined for client such as adding content, plugins and how to maintain and update the site. Site Documentation