Thanks to fauxmoESP , voice command can send IR signal to control nearby appliances. Change json data in the source code for the device to be controlled by IR remote controller.
- step 1 setup serial terminal software (teraterm etc) , set speed 115200bps.
- step 2 run ESP32_fauxmoESP_IR_recorder.ino
- step 3 send IR signal by pressing a button on your remote controller.
- step 4 copy the json data recorded by ESP32_fauxmoESP_IR_recorder.ino and past it into ESP32_fauxmoESP_sender.ino
- step 5 prepare credentials.h for your WiFi AP and run ESP32_fauxmoESP_IR_sender.ino this program appears as "switch one" in Alexa application
- step 6 install Alexa application from GooglePlay and add "switch one" as "aircon" from smarthome menu.
- step 7 wait for few seconds to connect to WiFi access point and recognized from Amazon Echo
- step 8 speak to Amazon Echo "turn on aircon", "turn off aircon"
[WIFI] Connecting to aterm-3933 ........
[WIFI] STATION Mode, SSID: aterm-3933, IP address:
[MAIN] Device #0 (switch one) state: ON
Json parsed
rmt_tx_task created
send............. done
[MAIN] Free heap: 134524 bytes
[MAIN] Device #0 (switch one) state: OFF
- Json data for NEC sealing light and SHARP air conditioner are included in the source.
- CHQ1838 IR receiver output is connected to GPIO 35
- IR LED is connected to GPIO 33 , driven by NPN transiter 2N5551