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Welcome to the healthiest library of all time! It provides a simple interface to check the health of your application.

We have base classes for HTTP and FILE based health checks.



If you want to check health of your FastAPI application, run:

poetry run health-checks -E fastapi

If you want to check health of your Litestar application, run:

poetry run health-checks -E litestar

If you want to check health of your consumer, run:

poetry run health-checks -E file

HTTP based quickstart

Let's begin with http based health-checks for Litestar application:

from health_checks.http_based import DefaultHTTPHealthCheck
from health_checks.litestar_healthcheck import build_litestar_health_check_router
import litestar

litestar_application = litestar.Litestar(

This is it! Now if your go to /health/ you will notice a 200 HTTP status code if everything is alright. Otherwise you will face a 500 HTTP status code.

Similar to litestar, here is the FastAPI example

import fastapi
from health_checks.fastapi_healthcheck import build_fastapi_health_check_router
from health_checks.http_based import DefaultHTTPHealthCheck

fastapi_app = fastapi.FastAPI()

This is also it! How wonderful, isn't it? You can navigate to /health/ and meet your 200 HTTP status code.

FILE based quickstart

Here things are starting to get complicated. Let's imagine a simple consumer

import dataclasses

from health_checks.base import HealthCheck

class SimpleConsumer:
    health_check: HealthCheck

    async def startup(self):
        await self.health_check.startup()

    async def shutdown(self):
        await self.health_check.shutdown()

    async def listen(self):
        while True:
            # Here we receive our messages from some queue
                # Non-blocking message processing
                await self.process_message()

                # Be attentive! We call update_health method, not update_health_status.
                await health_check.update_health()
            except Exception:

This is very important to place your health check inside infinite loop or something like that in your consumer. You cannot use it inside your message processing function or method because if there will be no messages - your consumer will die eventually. And this is not the case we are looking for. So, your update_health method call should be independent from message processing, also it should not be locked by it.

So, here how your code could look like

# directory/
import asyncio

from health_checks import file_based

health_check_object = file_based.DefaultFileHealthCheck()
consumer = SimpleConsumer(health_check_object)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Cool! Now during your consumer process health will be updated. But how to check it and where?

In this package we have a cli, that allows you to check health of certain HealthCheck object. Here, how you can use it

python -m health_checks directory.some_file:health_check_object

Here some_file is the name of file and health_check_object is the name of file_based.DefaultFileHealthCheck object. If everything is alright, then there will be no exception, but if it is not - there will be

And you use it inside your k8s manifest like this:

      - python
      - "-m"
      - health_checks
      - directory.some_file:health_check_object

Now let's look at FILE health check accepted arguments.

class BaseFileHealthCheck(base.HealthCheck):
    failure_threshold: int = 60
    health_check_period: int = 30
    healthcheck_file_name: str | None = None
    base_folder: str = "./tmp/health-checks"
  • base_folder - folder, where health check file will be created.
  • failure_threshold - time after which health check won't pass
  • health_check_period - delay time before updating health check file
  • healthcheck_file_name - you can pass an explicit file name to your health check.

IMPORTANT: You actually have to pass healthcheck_file_name it if your are not running in k8s environment. In that case your health check file will be named randomly and you cannot check health with provided script. If you are running in k8s, then file name will be made of HOSTNAME env variable a.k.a. pod id.

IMPORTANT: Consider putting your health check into separate file to prevent useless imports during health check script execution.


  • Why do i even need health_check_period in FILE based health check? This parameter helps to throttle calls to update_health method. By default update_health will be called every 30 seconds.
  • Custom health checks There are two options. You can inherit from BaseFileHealthCheck or BaseHTTPHealthCheck. Another way is to implement class according to HealthCheck protocol. More information about protocols here.