Update February, 2018: The version of this jQuery plugin posted here has various bugs, and is no longer maintained. If you need something like this now, I am maintaining a private version of this code for various Shopify stores, and am happy to add a client. Feel free to message me if you are interested. I may also release a simplified version of the up-to-date plugin on Github for free if there is enough interest.
The current filtering solutions for a amazon-style list of product attributes is difficult if impossible to come by in Shopify. The technical term for this is a faceted search. This plugin is a solution for filtering key value pairs, defined by tags or metafields. That's right, you've defined your custom metafield data for your products, now you can expose them as filterable options on your collection page. It can support massive numbers of products, and is fast! Even better, your clients can specify which tags or metafields to filter by in their Theme's settings (look at src/settings.html).
There is a little bit of setup, but follow the directions below closely, and you will be ready to go:
Drop our liquid files in your theme:
Add "collection.ajaxy.liquid" to your
directoryAdd "ajax-the-collection.liquid" to your
directory(*** optional ***) If you want your client to adjust the settings of this plugin in the theme:
Add the contents of "settings.html" to the end of your theme's
, or overwrite it directly to start from scratch -
Add the javascript to your theme:
Add "dist/shopify.pipeInCollection.min.js" to
Add "dist/jquery.big-fast-shopify-filter.js" to
Download Asual's jQuery Address version 1.6 from here: https://github.com/asual/jquery-address
Add "src/jquery.address.js" to
Include the javascript at the bottom of your collection page, after the jquery include
<script src="{% 'jquery.address.js' | asset_url %}" /> <script src="{% 'Shopify.pipeInCollection.js' | asset_url %}" /> <script src="{% 'jquery.big-fast-shopify-filter.min.js' | asset_url %}" />
Call the plugin with desired settings:
Include the markup in your collection page
<div id="big-fast-shopify-filter" data-collection="{{ collection.handle }}"> <!-- include this wherever you want your options to list out --> <div id="options-go-here"></div> <!-- this is your product-grid, the data-fast-start attribute gives the plugin an immediate load of products to filter, so you don't have to wait on the first ajax call to display products --> <ul class="product-grid" data-fast-start='{% include "ajax-the-collection" %}'> <!-- if you want your products to list when js is disabled in their browser, add the noscript wrapper on your liquid, it will be taken over and replaced by the plugin when js is enabled --> <noscript> {% for product in collection.products %} <li> <!-- your product liquid here </li> {% endfor %} </noscript> </ul> </div>
You can include other markup as your theme sees fit, but essentially you need a wrapper with the id "big-fast-shopify-filter" and a data-collection attribute, and an element with an id of "options-go-here" somewhere inside that wrapper, along with the "ul.product-grid" list
This link goes nowhere for now, soon it will be a Shopify theme preview, showing everything in action.
This plugin is built by Colin Brogan
MIT License © Colin Brogan