Example ROS frontend node for the Yak TSDF package.
This package contains a simulated image generator node and a launch file to provide a self-contained demonstration of TSDF reconstruction from streaming depth images. Currently the demo is only supported for ROS1.
The demo depends on the gl_depth_sim package to provide simulated depth images.
The demo node depends on external packages that aren't required by the core yak_ros
node, so compilationo of the demo node is skipped by default. To build the demo, pass the BUILD_DEMO
flag to catkin as True
catkin build --cmake-args -DBUILD_DEMO=True
After re-sourcing the workspace, start the demo from the provided launch file:
roslaunch yak_ros demo.launch
The yak_ros node provides 3 services and is a subscriber to 2 topics, which can be used to interact with it.
: Listener for published depth images./yak_ros/input_point_cloud
: Listener for published point clouds.
: Used to generate the output mesh to the provided path./yak_ros/reset_tsdf
: Resets the TSDF Volume (= delete all provided depth images / point clouds)/yak_ros/update_params
: Used to update the TSDF Volume Params.
A bounding box around the area of the TSDF Volume is published under the /tsdf_node/visualization_marker
marker and can be viewed in rviz