This project is an E-commerce Website designed to facilitate online buying and selling activities, serving two distinct roles: Admin and Buyers.
Create, Edit, and Delete Products: Admins have the authority to add new products to the platform, update existing product information, or remove products that are no longer available.
Manage Users: Admins can view information about buyers registered on the platform.
View Orders: Admins have access to order details, enabling them to track purchases made by buyers.
Buyer Interface:
Browse Products: Buyers can navigate through the catalog of products available for purchase and view their details.
Place Orders: Buyers can add products to their shopping cart and complete the purchase process by placing orders for selected items.
Navigate to src/app/apiService
and replace BACKEND_URL
, then run it with npm start
@emotion/react - Version: ^11.11.3
@emotion/styled - Version: ^11.11.0
@hookform/resolvers - Version: ^3.3.4
@mui/icons-material - Version: ^5.15.6
@mui/lab - Version: ^5.0.0-alpha.162
@mui/material - Version: ^5.15.6
@reduxjs/toolkit - Version: ^2.2.1
@testing-library/jest-dom - Version: ^5.17.0
@testing-library/react - Version: ^13.4.0
@testing-library/user-event - Version: ^13.5.0
axios - Version: ^1.6.7
jwt-decode - Version: ^4.0.0
numeral - Version: ^2.0.6
react - Version: ^18.2.0
react-dom - Version: ^18.2.0
react-hook-form - Version: ^7.49.3
react-markdown - Version: ^9.0.1
react-redux - Version: ^9.1.0
react-router-dom - Version: ^6.21.3
react-scripts - Version: 5.0.1
react-toastify - Version: ^10.0.4
rehype-raw - Version: ^7.0.0
validator - Version: ^13.11.0
web-vitals - Version: ^2.1.4
yup - Version: ^1.3.3