The Pawnshop Application is a simple web application designed to manage customer information, types of goods, interest rates, and pawn contracts. The purpose of the application is to assist individuals, including administrators, managers, and transaction staff, in tracking and managing operations effectively and consistently.
GitHub FE:
GitHub BE:
Admin account (Manager UserPage):
- Username: admin1
- Password: 123
Manager account:
- Username: manager2
- Password: 123
Employee account:
- Username: employee2
- Password: 123
Each user has specific role
- Role system: Employee < Manager - Admin -> limit access to certain features
Each employee must have 1 manager to be reported to.
Manager report to Admin
Specific features:
- Create/Update/Delete employee and manager (Admin)
- Create/Update/Delete Type Product (only Manager)
- Create/Update/Delete Interest Rate (only Manager)
- Create/Update/Delete Customer (only Manager)
- Create Contract (All manager and employee)
- Update/Delete Contract (Manager update/delete contract create by themselves or by employees reportTo )
- Get Payment contract (Manager and employee get billing information for contracts they manage)
Calculation for Payment contract:
- TotalDays = payDate - createDate
- Interest rate is calculated based on interest rate frame and totalDays
- Interest Pay = Price * Interest rate.
[x] All users can sign in with authorized accounts
[x] New employee and manager created by Admin
[x] Employee can only see ContractPage.
[x] Manager can see 2 ContractPage, CustomerPage,InterestPage
[x] Admin can only see UserPage
[x] Admin can see list of all user
[x] Admin can add new user
[x] Admin can update/ delete user
[x] Manager can see list of all interest rate
[x] Manager can add new interest rate
[x] Manager can update/ delete interest rate
[x] Manager can see list of all typeproduct
[x] Manager can add new typeproduct
[x] Manager can update/ delete typeproduct
(Role: Managers can access contracts created by them and the employees they manage. Employees can only create/view contracts they create and cannot update/delete them)
[x] User can see list of all contract
[x] User can add new contract
[x] Only manager can update/ delete contract
[x] Manager/Employee can get payment for contracts they create
[x] Manager/Employee can create/delete bill for payment they see.
- Clone the repository
git clone <repository_url>
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd <folder_name>
- Install dependencies:
npm install
Create a .env file to setup enviroment variables
Update your firebase config in firebase-messaging-sw.js file
npm start
Material UI
Material React Table (v2)