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You can use this template to create a producer as well as consumer for Kafka.
Topic is a common property between producer and consumer. While producer will send records (messages) to the topic (collection), consumer(s) will receive these records (messages) and process accordingly.
In this sample project the topic name is defined as a constant in
), with the value as "EMPLOYEES_TOPIC".
public static final String KAFKA_TOPIC = "EMPLOYEES_TOPIC";
Topic record contains, key and value. In this sample project, I am using a string data type for "key" and complex data type for "value" for Kafka record. The complex data type is defined using avsc
files under kafka-producer-consumer-template/src/main/avro
The Employee.avsc contains primitive as well as non primitive data types referencs, which is defined in Gender.avsc and Profile.avsc.
In order to build java classes, I have used Gradle Avro Plugin.
Gradle Avro Plugin
You will find lines in build.gradle
repositories {
maven { url '' }
plugins {
id 'com.commercehub.gradle.plugin.avro' version '0.9.1'
dependencies {
implementation 'io.confluent:kafka-avro-serializer:5.3.0'
implementation 'org.apache.avro:avro:1.9.0'
Now open gradle task window (View / Tool Windows / Gradle), and run generateAvroJava
task. On success, it will create class definitions for all your avro files, under /build
You can run this command by typing this command in the terminal:
./gradlew generateAvroJava
For more detail on this Avro Plugin, please refer this link:
Define a schema registry url where your data type schema will be stored and share between producer and consumer.
You can specify this url under
public static final String SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL_CONFIG = "http://localhost:8081";
Just like schema url, you will need to define a broker server address.
You can specify this url under
public static final String BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG = "http://localhost:9092";
Ref: /kafka-producer-consumer-template/src/main/java/com/producer/
In order to create a Producer, you will do the following:
- Kafka Configuration such as broker address, key and value serializers, topic.
- Open Kafka Connection
- Prepare Kafka Topic Record (Your Message)
- Send Kafka Message
- Close Kafka Connection
Each of these points are well described in the file.
If everything is OK with your project, you should be able to successfully build the project.
You can now run this command from the terminal:
./gradlew runProducer
It should create a topic (if it does not exist) and send 10 records to the Kafka server.
Ref: /kafka-producer-consumer-template/src/main/java/com/consumer/
In order to create a Consumer, you will do the following:
- Kafka Configuration such as broker address, key and value deserializers.
- Open Kafka Connection and subscribe to topic
- Check for records in Kafka Server(Your Message)
- Process Kafka records
- Inform Kafka that you have consumed records.
Each of these points are well described in the file.
If everything is OK with your project, you should be able to successfully build the project.
You can now run this command from the terminal:
./gradlew runConsumer