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Fast regular expression library, with full matching support, even at compile time!


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Fast regular expression library, with full matching support, even at compile time!

Regex matching

constexpr e_regex::regex<"a(a*)"> matcher;

auto result = matcher("zaaa1");
result.to_view(); //"aaa"
result[1]; //group 1: "aa"

Invoking the matcher with an std::string_view returns an e_regex::match_result.

result[n] and result.get_group(n) can be used to read the nth group. When n is 0, the whole match is returned.

result.to_view() and static_cast<std::string_view>(result) are identical to result[0].

result.size() provides the number of groups identified.

result.is_accepted() and static_cast<bool>(result) evaluate to true only if the query is accepted by the regex. computes the next match in the query and evalutes to true only if it is found.

Every function is constexpr and noexcept: if the query is constexpr too, no runtime will be involved! The regex expression will be automatically optimized using a built-in heuristics engine.


An handy way of accessing multiple groups in a match is decomposition:

constexpr e_regex::match<R"((\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+))"> matcher;

auto [match, year, month, day] = matcher("1970-01-01");

The four variables will be std::string_view and match will be "1970-01-01", year will be "1970" and so on.

When a match is not found, this will only produce empty strings.

The number of variables in the decomposition must be exactly the number of groups in the regex, otherwise a static assertion will fail. If the regex contains | operators, then the number of variables must be the sum of groups in the branches.


Regex matchers provide methods to inspect their properties.

Given a regex matcher:


Will return the expression derived for the regex tree. This expression will have every optimization applied, so: \d+\s+123 will become [0-9]++\s++123.


Will be the number of groups detected in the regex.


The regex engine will automatically apply optimization heuristics recursively to an instanced regex. Those heuristics will not alter the matched set of the regex, but can heavily affect matching performance.

Rule Conditions Result
Greedy removal A greedy node's children set of accepted strings does not present intersection with it The greedy node becomes a possessive node, removing backtracking logics (e.g. \d+A becomes \d++A)
Lazy removal A greedy node's children set of accepted strings does not present intersection with it The lazy node becomes a possessive node (e.g. \d+?A becomes \d++A)
Empty node substitution An empty node has only one child The node becomes its child


Identifier Description
[delim] Matches one of characters described by delim: a sequence of characters or a range in form x-y
[^delim] Negation of [delim]
(delim) Identifies a group, delim can be any valid regex
(?:delim) Identifies an anonymous group: it does not produce a group in parsing, but delimits content
+, ++, +? Respectively greedy, possessive and lazy at-least-one operator
*, *+, *? Respectively greedy, possessive and lazy Kleene star operator
?, ?+, ?? Respectively greedy, possessive and lazy optional operator
{n} Accepts only n repetitions of the previous identifier
{n,} Accepts at least n repetitions of the previous identifier
{n,m} Accepts at least n and at most m repetitions of the previous identifier
$ Matches end of line or end of input
^ Matches start of line or start of input
\xN Matches hex data: N can be an hex nibble, two hex nibbles or {N...}, a brace enclosed nibble sequence
\oN Matches octal data: N can be three octal nibbles or {N...}, a brace enclosed nibble sequence

Operators can be escaped with \ to match their character.

Character classes

Identifier Description
\s Space characters: '\t', '\n', '\f', '\r', ' '
\d Digits: [0-9]
\D Not digit: [^0-9]
\w Word character: [A-Za-z0-9_]
\W Not word character: [^A-Za-z0-9_]
\a Alarm: \x07
. Any character


This library provides a regex-based tokenization engine, that can be used to easily build tokenizers.

e_regex::tokenization::tokenizer<auto... definitions> accepts a sequence of e_regex::separator and e_regex::token instances. Every e_regex::token instance will describe a token matcher with a type: every instance must use the same enum for this field! e_regex::separator instances will describe separators, aka matchers that will not produce tokens.

A tokenizer will stop parsing if:

  • input string is fully parsed;
  • input string is not accepted by any token matcher or separator matcher;
  • after a token, a separator is not found.

Tokenization is constexpr flagged: if the input is constexpr, the result can be iterated at compile time.

Invoking a tokenizer with a std::string_view will produce a e_regex::tokenization::iterator: this iterator can be used in a range-based for loop or can be manually iterated using the increment operator.

using e_regex::separator;
using e_regex::token;

enum class type

constexpr auto tokenizer
    = e_regex::tokenization::tokenizer<token {type::WORD, "[a-z]+"},
                                       token {type::NUMBER, "\\d+"},
                                       separator {"\\s"}> {};

auto res = tokenizer("a 123 def");

for (auto token: res)

In this example, tokenizer will tokenize words and numbers separated by spaces. The token in the range loop will be {.type = type::WORD, .value = "a"}, {.type = type::NUMBER, .value = "abc"} and {.type = type::WORD, .value = "def"}.

Building and testing

This project is based on meson, ninja and C++20. If quom is available, a single include header will be automatically built by meson.

To build and run unit tests:

$ meson setup build
$ meson test -C build

The generated single include header will be placed in build/single_include.hpp.

It is included a minimal build environment defined in Nix, running

$ nix develop

starts a 1:1 replica of a working environment for this library with two simple aliases:

build     - Automatically configure build folder and run build
run_tests - Run tests


Benchmarks from the excellent work of mariomka have been ran on a Ryzen 7 7700X at 5.57GHz; the results are:

Language Email(ms) URI(ms) IP(ms) Total(ms)
Nim Regex 0.51 16.48 3.83 20.83
C++ e-regex 11.79 10.87 4.13 26.80
PHP 11.63 12.52 2.72 26.88
Rust 16.32 14.22 2.07 32.61
Crystal 25.21 24.19 6.21 55.61
C++ Boost 26.08 26.45 10.37 62.90
Julia 53.88 46.97 2.66 103.50
Perl 58.59 39.53 13.02 111.14
Dart 48.69 51.10 42.23 142.02
C PCRE2 77.36 70.20 8.30 155.85
D dmd 118.73 122.59 3.71 245.04
D ldc 126.13 122.90 3.48 252.52
Python PyPy2 85.05 79.99 114.31 279.35
Ruby 154.53 135.38 29.70 319.62
Kotlin 92.76 115.61 137.44 345.81
Python PyPy3 139.41 126.26 119.58 385.24
Dart Native 195.81 229.57 4.91 430.29
Java 157.80 143.49 166.36 467.65
Go 153.04 150.41 243.94 547.39
C++ STL 233.24 190.29 154.17 577.70
C# Mono 1527.89 1282.36 74.80 2885.05


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.