- This repo illustrates how to use face-recogntion module with usb_cam by Ros
- We need Ros, pytorch, Cvbridge, Etc.
- requirments must be installed (see Reference).
- We will skip step of basic Ros settigs.
- Architecture
- Publish usb_cam images with Ros
roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch
- Subscribe image topics in code, and convert it to Opencv_images with CVbridge
- with Opencv images do face recognition
- Publish result class, score, landmarks
- Publish usb_cam images with Ros
rosrun new_face_recognition take_picture.py -n name
- Enter 't' to take a picture
- Enter 'q' to close window
- Write name behind '-n' option to create file with name
python Take_id.py --image {file path} --name {name}
- {file path} is path to picture file
- {name} is name you want to use in face recognition
rosrun new_face_recognition facebank.py
rosrun new_face_recognition face_recognition.py
rostopic pub --once /face_recognition_msg std_msgs/String "data: 'On'"
- Face Recognition(MTCNN) link: https://github.com/xuexingyu24/MobileFaceNet_Tutorial_Pytorch
git clone https://github.com/xuexingyu24/MobileFaceNet_Tutorial_Pytorch
- Usb_cam link: https://github.com/ros-drivers/usb_cam.git
git clone https://github.com/ros-drivers/usb_cam.git