This tool automates generation of molecules using CReM starting from a set of fragments by their growing within a protein binding site guided by molecular docking (EasyDock).
- fully automated workflow
- different selection strategies (greedy, Pareto, k-means clustering)
- different objective functions (docking score, docking score augmented with QED or the fraction of sp3-carbon atoms, docking score divided on the number of heavy atoms, etc)
- user-defined thresholds for maximum allowed physicochemical parameters (MW, logP, RTB, TPSA)
- using protein-ligand interaction fingerprints (ProLIF) and/or RMSD to a parent molecule to control the pose of a constructed ligand
- indirect control over synthetic feasibility of generated structures (based on CReM parameters)
- support docking programs integrated in EasyDock, including ligand preparation steps and distributed calculations
- output is SQLite database from which a user can retrieve all necessary information
- continue interrupted/unfinished generation by rerun of the same command
Install dependencies and the software
conda install -c conda-forge python=3.9 numpy rdkit dask distributed scipy scikit-learn
pip install prolif vina meeko easydock==0.3.2 crem
pip install cremdock
# or
pip install git+
- Docking of starting fragments.
- (optional) Selection of molecules satisfying user-defined PLIF or RMSD to a parent molecule
- Selection of the best candidates for the next iteration (greedy, Pareto, clustering) using the selected objective function (docking score, augmented docking score, etc)
- Growing the selected molecules with CReM
- Filtration of generated molecules by user-defined physicochemical parameters
- Docking of passed molecules
- Go to step 2
Generation is stopped if no more molecules can be grown to satisfy the defined physicochemical parameters.
All molecules undergo automatic preparation for docking which should include the protonation step to get proper results. This is implemented in EasyDock and a user can choose which approach to use. At this time there are two options: Chemaxon (required a license) or pkasolver model (open-source). Installation of pkasolver and possible issues are described in EasyDock repository. It is still possible to omit protonation, but it is not advisable.
Precompiled CReM databases created from ChEMBL22 molecules are available at
Details about creation of custom databases is at the CReM repository.
All examples below are only illustrative and settings were chosen to quickly demonstrate particular functionality. Real use cases will require more carefully chosen parameters. All files required to reproduce these examples are available in example
- Hit generation. Generation of molecules which starts from a set of fragment supplied as SMILES or 2D SDF. In these case the supplied fragments are docked, pass PLIF/RMSD check (optional) and best candidates are used for growing on the next iteration.
- simplest example (disregarding protonation and protein-ligand interaction fingerprints)
cremdock -i example/input.smi -o example/mode1_1.db -d chembl22_sa2_hac12.db --nclust 2 --max_replacements 2 --program vina --config example/vina_config.yml -c 2
- set of starting fragments
- output DB
- CReM DB, which should be preliminary downloaded
- the number of clusters for the default selection strategy (clustering)
- the number of new molecules derived from the selected ones on the previous iteration, 2 was selected for the reason of speed, usually we use 2000
- docking program from the list of programs available in EasyDock
- yml-file with dockign setup, more details at the EasyDock repository
- the number of molecules docked in parallel (the number of cores used for docking of individual molecules are provided in --config
- protonation
It is recommended to protonate compounds before docking. This can be achieved by using the argument --protonation
and specify the protonation model.
cremdock -i example/input.smi -o example/mode1_2.db -d chembl22_sa2_hac12.db --nclust 2 --max_replacements 2 --program vina --config example/vina_config.yml -c 2 --protonation pkasolver
- identification of protein-ligand interaction fingerprints (PLIF) for a reference ligand
PLIF can be identified invoking cremdock_plif
script feeded with a protein and a reference ligand (both should have all hydrogens explicit). The output is a text file with detected interactions. Full names of desired contacts should be used for the subsequent cremdock
In this case the contacts will be leu83.ahbdonor
and leu83.ahbacceptor
which encode interaction with a hidge region.
cremdock_plif -i example/2BTR_H.pdb -l example/2BTR_lig.sdf -o example/2BTR_lig.plif
Running this script is not necessary, a user may select contacts manually, however, names of contacts should follow the same conventions/format (otherwise no matches will be found).
- run
with PLIF constraints and enabled protonation
cremdock -i example/input.smi -o example/mode1_3.db -d chembl22_sa2_hac12.db --nclust 2 --max_replacements 2 --program vina --config example/vina_config.yml -c 2 --plif leu83.ahbdonor leu83.ahbacceptor --plif_cutoff 1 --plif_protein example/2BTR_H.pdb --protonation pkasolver
There are three additional arguments:
- takes a list of contacts
- the minimum fraction of satisfied contact (1 means 100%, thus molecules should have all of them to have a chance to be selected for the next iteration)
- a protein the same as used for docking, but having all hydrogens explicit
- biasing generated molecules to more Csp3-rich structures
Custom sampling functions can be implemented to bias selection of fragments for decoration of a parent molecule. We integrated a function which selects fragments proportionally to their fractiomn of sp3 carbon atoms. However, the most useful approach would be to use starting fragments with a high fraction of sp3 atoms.
cremdock -i example/input.smi -o example/mode1_4.db -d chembl22_sa2_hac12.db --nclust 2 --max_replacements 2 --program vina --config example/vina_config.yml -c 2 --plif leu83.ahbdonor leu83.ahbacceptor --plif_cutoff 1 --plif_protein example/2BTR_H.pdb --protonation pkasolver --sample_func sample_csp3
- using augmented scoring function
There are several implemented objective functions. One of them is a geometric mean of a docking score (linearly scaled to the range [0;1]) and QED. To use a spceific objective functions one should set argument --ranking
with a corresponding number. The full list is available in the help message (-h
cremdock -i example/input.smi -o example/mode1_5.db -d chembl22_sa2_hac12.db --nclust 2 --max_replacements 2 --program vina --config example/vina_config.yml -c 2 --plif leu83.ahbdonor leu83.ahbacceptor --plif_cutoff 1 --plif_protein example/2BTR_H.pdb --protonation pkasolver --ranking 2
- restriction on physico-chemical properties of generated compounds
It is important to set reasonable thresholds for some physicochemical properties to avoid exploration of undesirable chemical space and save time. There are four such parameters avaiable with corresponding default threshold values (MW 450, logP 4, RTB 5, TPSA 120) which can be changed by command line arguments
cremdock -i example/input.smi -o example/mode1_6.db -d chembl22_sa2_hac12.db --nclust 2 --max_replacements 2 --program vina --config example/vina_config.yml -c 2 --plif leu83.ahbdonor leu83.ahbacceptor --plif_cutoff 1 --plif_protein example/2BTR_H.pdb --protonation pkasolver --mw 400 --rtb 6 --logp 3 --tpsa 100
- change selection strategy
There are three major selection stratigies implemented: greedy (1), clustering (2) and Pareto (4). To enable a strategy it is necessary to pass its number to --search
argument. There may be necessary to adjust other parameters accordingly.
cremdock -i example/input.smi -o example/mode1_7.db -d chembl22_sa2_hac12.db --search 1 --max_replacements 2 --program vina --config example/vina_config.yml -c 2 --plif leu83.ahbdonor leu83.ahbacceptor --plif_cutoff 1 --plif_protein example/2BTR_H.pdb --protonation pkasolver --mw 400 --rtb 6 --logp 3 --tpsa 100
- Hit expansion. Expansion of a co-crystallized ligand by supplying 3D ligand structure (SDF). In this case an input molecule is directly going to the growing stage.
The difference from the first mode is to use SDF file with 3D structure of a starting fragment (it should be properly protonated, because it will not pass through the protonation step).
Usually for such studies it is required to specify PLIF and RMSD (--rmsd
) value to select for further iterations compounds which preserve both contacts and position of a parent molecule. In the example below we set to preserve at least one contact out of two and do not restrict RMSD, because with given settings we enumerate only few molecules each iteration and the chances to generate compounds satisfying PLIF and RMSD is very low.
cremdock -i example/input.sdf -o example/mode2_1.db -d chembl22_sa2_hac12.db --nclust 2 --max_replacements 25 --program vina --config example/vina_config.yml -c 2 --plif leu83.ahbdonor leu83.ahbacceptor --plif_cutoff 0.5 --plif_protein example/2BTR_H.pdb --protonation pkasolver
- Continuation of an interrupted run
If cremdock
running was interrupted it can be re-run using the same command and the calcultions will be automatically continued. To continue calculations it will be even enough to run cremdock
with only a single argument --output
pointing out on the existing database. All necessary settings will be read from the database (almost all other input arguments are ignored if an output database exists).
To retrieve data from an output database one can use funtionality from EasyDock. More examples are in EasyDock repository.
get_sdf_from_dock_db -i mode1_1.db -o mode1_1.sdf --fields docking_score
Data can also be retrieved in SMILES format as well as any additional columns (we usually use tab as a separator).
sqlite3 -header -separator " " mode1_1.db "select smi, id, docking_score from mols"
CReM-dock: de novo design of synthetically feasible compounds guided by molecular docking
Guzel Minibaeva, Pavel Polishchuk