PhyloConfigR: R Package For phylogenomic configuration, alignment formatting, alignment summary statistics, and dataset filtering
With this R package you can prepare your alignments for various types of phylogenomic analyses:
- Summarize alignment statistics (length, samples, parsimony informative sites, missing data, GC content)
- Renaming (alignment names, taxa in an alignment)
- Alignment trimming
- Filter alignments and create sub datasets from alignment stats
- Filter gene trees based on alignments
- Collapse nodes with specific support into polytomies
- Remove taxa from alignment
In addition, there are numerous functions to aid with specific phylogenetic software
- Astral-III
- Create input files
- Run and import ASTRAL-III results into R
- Batch analyses multiple datasets
- Plot Astral-III pie charts (proportion of gene trees that support that relationship) at nodes
- Plot concordance factors on tree
- Gene jackknife genomic dataset
- Set up alignments for immediate input
- Generate control file
- PhyloNet
- Set up alignments for input
Publication is in review. Hutter and Duellman, in review.
For now, you can cite the R package by linking to this GitHub if you use it.
To use all the functions, the following programs are needed if you wish to use them:
- ASTRAL-III is available on GitHub here:
- IQTREE 2, specifically version 2 or higher:
- BPP, latest version
Instructions for installation and testing ASTRAL-III, IQTREE 2, and BPP are included in the respective documentation.
PhyloConfigR depends on three other R packages:
- ape (>=3.0)
- data.table (>=1.12)
- stringr (>= 1.4)
To install PhyloConfigR, you can use the R package devtools. Here are step-by-step instructions for installation:
Install devtools by typing in your R console: install.packages("devtools", dependencies = T)
Install AstralPlane by typing in your R console: devtools::install_github("chutter/PhyloConfigR")
Devtools will ask you to install the package dependecies (ape and stringr), select "Yes". If devtools asks you to update packages, you may choose to do so. I would recommend not to install packages from source if devtools asks you. Ape is problemic from source and I could not get it to install on my machine. If devtools is still giving you trouble, you can install the dependencies with "install.packages(c("ape", "stringr"))". Then rerun Step 2 and skip package updates.
Install PhyloConfigR by typing in your R console: devtools::install_github("chutter/PhyloConfigR"), and repeat Step 3.
Devtools should finish and say the packages loaded properly. Load the packages with library(PhyloConfigR).
And installation should be complete.
I have included an R script in the main repository with some examples. It is also in the Wiki tutorials in detail.
- first install and load the R package. Its a good idea to install new (or check) every time as this package is being updated and bugs fixed frequently. The devtools package is required to install R packages from GitHub, so devtools is required.
install.packages("devtools", dependencies = TRUE) #if not already installed