This repository contains LaTeX code to create a beautifully typeset magazine. The Magazine-preamble.tex file contains custom environments for Question-and-Answer articles, author names, a preamble, and quotes.
Step 1: Click on the “Code” button and download a zip folder containing
this repository. If you have a GitHub account you could also click on
the “Use This Template” button to make your own repository and then
clone it to your computer. Open the magazine-latex-template.Rproj
file. This will open an R project within R Studio. Ensure that you have
a LaTeX distribution (for example, the TinyTeX package will be fine).
Step 2: Read Editor-instructions.pdf found within the Magazine/ folder to see what commands and environments are available.
BIOL 4211 Students: Please read
See the folder Sample-article-submission
to see examples of what your
word document and images should look like.
Step 3: Within the same folder, read Example-article.pdf to see what a finished article will look like.
Step 4. Create a .Rmd file modeled after the Example-article.Rmd
Knit it to a PDF when you are done!