- π Interested in Data Science, Web Development, and Freelance Projects.
- π Passionate about leveraging technology to craft innovative and efficient solutions.
- π Always looking for opportunities to collaborate on impactful projects.
- Email: chouaiba629@gmail.com / c.zeddam@univ-alger.dz
- Phone: +213 670 289 077
C | HTML | CSS | JS | PHP | Java | Python | Dart | Kotlin | XML |
Bootstrap | Tailwind | Β ReactΒ | FLutter | Node.js | Vite | Laravel | Hadoop |
Numpy | Pandas | Sklearn | Keras | OpenCV | Streamlit | Gekko | Beautiful Soup | Selenium | Tensoflow |
MySQL | Firebase | MongoDB |
VS Code | Android Studio | Gitpod |
MacOS | Ubuntu | Windows |
Git | Github | WordPress | OracleAPEX | Matlab | UML |