Open the Terminal
Google Chrome need to be installed in the server.
- Steps to install the Google Chrome
wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb Check chrome brower version using command -> google-chrome -version
- Navigate to the directory where Script Folder has been downloaded or cloned
cd cQube_v5/ git checkout cQube_v5 git pull
- Steps to install the Google Chrome
Chrome driver need to be downloaded and placed in the cQubeTesting/Driver/ folder.
Steps to Download the chrome driver
Note: Based on the Chrome browser version need to download chrome driver
cd cQube_v5/ sudo apt update sudo apt install python3-pip
Execute the Requirement.txt in the terminal (Requirement.txt file is present in the cQubeTesting Folder) [mandatory]
sudo pip3 install -r Requirement.txt
Fill the config.ini file (config.ini file present in the cQube_v5/Configurations/ Folder)
[config] url= #Fill the domain name provided in the config.yml file ex: https://domain_name
pytest -v -s --capture=tee-sys Testcases/test_dashboard.py --html=Reports/dashboard.html
pytest -v -s --capture=tee-sys Testcases/test_loginpage.py --html=Reports/loginpage.html
pytest -v -s --capture=tee-sys Testcases/test_homepage.py --html=Reports/homepage.html
pytest -v -s --capture=tee-sys Testcases/test_nas.py --html=Reports/nas.html
pytest -v -s --capture=tee-sys Testcases/test_nishtha.py --html=Reports/nishtha.html
pytest -v -s --capture=tee-sys Testcases/test_diksha_etb.py --html=Reports/diksha_etb.html
pytest -v -s --capture=tee-sys Testcases/test_pm_poshan.py --html=Reports/pm_poshan.html
pytest -v -s --capture=tee-sys Testcases/test_udise.py --html=Reports/udise.html
pytest -v -s --capture=tee-sys Testcases/test_pgi.py --html=Reports/pgi.html
pytest -v -s --capture=tee-sys Testcases/test_review_meetings.py --html=Reports/review_meetings.html