XTENSIV is a simple inventory management website that allows users to add, view, edit, delete, sort, and search products. It also includes user authentication to ensure secure access. It is build with MVC pattern.
XTENSIV HAS BEEN DEPLOYED ON RENDER (https://xtensive.onrender.com)
- Username:
- Password:
Use the credentials above to log in and explore the app or u can create one to start your inventory now.
To run the project,
you can use database at atlas data-base by creating your own account at cloudinary and atlas database
- npm install
- nodemon app.js or node app.js (ensure to install the node.js from chrome)
you will need to create a .env
file in the root directory and provide your own values for the following variables (you can copy the structure given below nad enter your own details):
CLOUD_NAME= your_cloud_name
CLOUD_API_KEY= your_own_cloud_api_key
CLOUD_API_SECRET= your own_cloud_api_secret
- Add Products: Easily add new products to your inventory by providing details like name, SKU, capacity, quantity, and price.
- View Products: View all products in a table format on the dashboard, with details such as product name, SKU, price, and category.
- Edit Products: Make changes to any product by editing its details directly from the product list.
- Delete Products: Remove products from the inventory with a simple delete option.
- Search Products: Quickly search for products by their SKU through the navbar.
- Sort Products: Sort products based on categories on the dashboard.
- User Authentication: Secure access with login and logout features. Only authenticated users can add, edit, or delete products.
- Go to the Add Product section on the Navbar.
- Fill in the necessary details like name, SKU, capacity, quantity, and price.
- Click Add to include the product in the inventory.
- Click on the product card to view product details.
- Navigate to the Products table in the Navbar to see all listed products.
- Locate the product you want to edit in the product list.
- Click the Edit button, make your changes, and then click Update.
- Click the Delete button next to the product you wish to remove and confirm the action.
- Enter the SKU of the product in the search bar in the Navbar and click the search button.
- On the dashboard, use the sorting options to organize products based on categories.
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime for building the backend
- Express.js: Web application framework for handling HTTP requests
- MongoDB: Database for storing product information
- EJS: Template engine for rendering views
- Passport.js: Authentication middleware for securing user access
- Connect-flash: For flashing success and error messages
- Bootstrap: Frontend framework for styling
- Atlas: For cloud database storage (uses AWS and Cloudinary for image URLs)
- Render: For deploying the project
- multer: used for uploading files
- Joi : used for schema validation
- User and admin authentication enhancements
- Integration of React into the project
it contains the function that to be performend whaen a route recieve request it is further divided into two
- listing.js: it has functionality for adding, deleting etc.. commands.
- user.js: it has functionality for login, logout and signup commands.
It contains the data for initializing mongodb database on local system
It contains the listing and user schema
- Has basic css and validation.js for the webpage
- Validation.js is used for schema validation
- it has all the ejs pages for separate task .
- Boilerpalte.ejs is the main page that define how all the other pages are shown.
- index.ejs is dasboard where all the products are displayed and similarly there are all the other ejs files...
- middleware.js has all validation related middleware that helps in validating owner,login and schemavalidation services.
- it is the main file that runs the website basically it gives the cloud related information and the route related information
- contains the code for connecting cloud.
- it contains joi that validates data entered by user it is according to the format.
For any questions or feedback, please reach out to chawlasaksham02@gmail.com.