A project from week 1 of the FAC 22 pre-apprenticeship.
💾 See full pre-apprenticeship repository here.
The bar clock is a way to tell the time visually by counting bars.
Designed to act like a screensaver that tells the time.
Click the page to change from cool purple to warm red.
- Retrieve current date and time with
new Date()
- Repeat element with
- Use
to maniuplate page - That to short a
can slow a page down 🤭 - Updating
styles withsetProperty()
- Stacking CSS classes/id's
- Divide up page using CSS
along withflex
- Works on latest version of Firefox, Chrome and Edge
- Mobile only works in landscape
- Further testing required
- Different time-zones
- More colours
- Refine look
- Information section about the project
- Mobile version