Paintbox is a parametric modeling and fitting toolbox designed to build and model ths spectral energy distribution of galaxies from any kind of spectro-photometric observations. The paintbox is designed to allow easy construction of very general models by the combination of a few basic classes of objects that compose the spectral features, such as stellar population continuum and emission lines.
One of the premises of the Paintbox is to allow large flexibility to the user in the modeling of data. Some of the main features already present in the package include
- Modular structure that separates the task of building the model from the fitting process.
- Interpolation tools for any pre-computed stellar population models.
- Modeling using templates.
- Simple kinematic tool to model the LOSVD.
- Easy extension to any other type of SED features.
- Complete control over SED model properties
Install Paintbox by running:
pip install paintbox
- Source Code:
This project is Copyright (c) Carlos Eduardo Barbosa and licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause license. This package is based upon the Astropy package template which is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license. See the licenses folder for more information.