Running a Nexus service as a container within OSE v3, with a persistent volume to survive restarts. Uses the sonatype/nexus container.
##Environment Config
This assumes you have followed the training in Using persistent storage. So from that the following would be configured :
nfs-utils installed
Firewall Configured
SELinux Configured
Create another export
mkdir -p /var/export/nexus chown nfsnobody:nfsnobody /var/export/nexus chmod 700 /var/export/nexus
and add the following line:/var/export/nexus *(rw,sync,all_squash)
exportfs -a
Running exportfs
you should see something similar to:
This assumes you are running as the admin user. You can run as a non-admin user, but for this example creating the Project and the PersistentVolume still needs to be done as an administrator. We will create a separate project to run Nexus in and target it to nodes labelled "region=infra" in.
Create the project
oadm new-project infra --node-selector="region=infra" --description="Project for running infrastructure services"
Create the PersistentVolume:
oc create -f persistent-volume.yaml
Create the PersistentVolumeClaim
oc create -f persistent-volume-claim.yaml -n infra
Create the pods, service & route
oc create -f nexus.yaml -n infra
Attach the claimed volume to the nexus container
oc volume dc/nexus-dc --add --name=pvol -t persistentVolumeClaim --claim-name=nexus-claim --overwrite -n infra
OSE will do the running for you! First run you will have to configure Nexus. It may take a little while to pull the nexus container to run it but running
- Head to http://nexus.cloudapps.example.com/ (That is the entry the route creates) which on first run will take you to the front page (Default Nexus login is admin/admin123).
You should be able to look at the exported NFS directory to see the files being created.