RSA.py - A simple implementation of RSA encryption.
OAEP.py - Adding OAEP padding module to the RSA encryption.
ServerClient.py - The server-client-cracker communication simulation model.
Windows10, py3.5
To start, run python ServerClient.py server [port] rsa
in one terminal to setup the server.
For RSA algorithm testing, run python ServerClient.py client [port] rsa
in another terminal to setup the client. After varifying the wup request, the client and server can communicate with the shared session key.
For CCA2 attack, run python ServerClient.py cracker [port] rsa
in another terminal (make sure no other crackers or clients that are running) to setup the cracker. The cracker will try to crack a pre-generated AES session key with CCA2 method. If the session key is successfully cracked, the cracker and the server can then communicate with the shared session key
Add OAEP in the choices of algorithms.