🔭 I’m currently working on 'Kiwe', a birdapp style social media site. View the source here. I am also working on Harmony a fullstack typescript clone of discord.
🌱 I’m currently learning secure end-to-end encryption to incorporate into messaging in Kiwe.
✅ I recently completed AI Reading Finder, a ChatGPT powered tool to allow you to find book reccomendations based on your favourite books!
💬 Ask me about anything you need help with.
📫 How to reach me: camerondball@yahoo.com
💼 Email me for freelance work :)
⚡ Fun fact: I've been coding since I was 9!
Note - I can use more languages but I don't often update this, I am learning more languages all the time and there were some that I couldn't find a good logo for.