Bootloader for Motorola/Freescale/NXP MC68HC908GZ60
Monitor loader is a PC side software which can update program memory of an empty (virgin) microcontroller. Disadvantages are it needs special hardware interface and it is slow. My one is available here in Python language, or here in C language. I propose the Python one.
Bootloader is software embedded in the microcontroller, which can receive data from a hardware interface and write it into its own program memory. This software needs to be programmed into the microcontroller only once by a monitor loader. My one is available here.
Downloader is PC side software. The communication partner of Bootloader. It can send the pre-compiled software (or any other data) to data to microcontroller through the supported hardware interface. My one is available here in Python language, or here in C language. I propose the Python one.
Application is the real software for the main purpose. It is easier if you start your application software from an application template. Application template is a sample software which initializes and uses almost all modules of microcontroller for some basic purpose. You can download into uC and it already works and does something. You just need to modify it for your purpose. My one is available here.
This bootloader uses SCI for communication. This is an asynchronous serial port which when level translated to 12V is called RS232. This port so widely known and used that even if it's missing on some personal computers, it can be purchased easily as a add-on USB-to-SERIAL interface.
Serial interface is set for 57600 bps, 8-N-1 operation.
Main function of a bootloader is to be able to (re-)download easily and fast the user's application, which is the main function of the embedded system. After power on, the bootloader starts. It waits for 1 sec for connection attempt. If there wasn't attempt to use bootloader services, it runs the user's application. If there is no user application loaded, execution remains in the bootloader, which waits for a download attempt indefinitely.
For binary download, first a connection has to be made. The connection procedure is that the downloader periodically sends four 0x1C characters as a connection attempt. While the bootloader is running, it waits for these four consecutive bytes, and if received, it sends back a connection acknowledgement. This is made of four consecutive 0xE3 bytes.
If the connection was successful, the bootloader waits for data frames. Once a data frame is received and processed, the bootloader sends a response about that data frame. This response contains an error code, which informs the downloader whether the data frame was successfully written into the program memory of the microcontroller, or not. In case of error, the downloader can repeat the previous data frame, and in case of a successful write, send the next frame.
As you may know, Flash program memory always consists of pages. Page is the smallest part of Flash memory that can be erased independently. This means, if we want to change one byte in the Flash program memory, first we need to save the page data into RAM, erase the complete page, and then copy back the saved data together with the modified byte. Therefore, my concept is that I always send complete page in a frame. This allows for simpler bootloader code.
The bootloader is capable of writing smaller amounts of data than a full page. It first saves data into RAM and then re-writes it into Flash memory. But it is an insecure solution. That is, if a download procedure is corrupted, e.g. once a page failed to download and not repeated, it will not be detected by the bootloader, and the bootloader will eventually run a corrupted user application. Therefore, it is proposed for the downloader that it first erases the start vector of the user software, and writes it again at the end of a successful download procedure only. This ensures, that in case of broken download, the reset vector will be empty, and the bootloader will not attempt to run the corrupt user application.
Let's see the frame structure of a data frame.
- Frame header - Two bytes, 0x56 and 0xAB.
- Data length - Two bytes, high and low. Since the GZ60 microcontroller has 128 byte long page, high byte of length is always zero. Two bytes are for future DZ60 microcontroller support, which has 768 byte long pages.
- Address - Two bytes indicating the data start address.
- Data - Length number of bytes. This is the data to be written into the program memory.
- Checksum - One byte derived from a simple addition without the frame header.
Answer structure:
- Frame header - Two bytes, 0xBA and 0x65.
- Address - Two bytes, same as in the data frame.
- Error code.
Error code values and meanings:
- 0 - No error
- 1 - Checksum error
- 2 - Address error (Bootloader occupied range is prohibited to change)
- 3 - Timeout error
- 4 - Zero length
- 5 - Length is too high (>128)
- 6 - Out of page bounds (page overflow from given Address with given Length)
While the bootloader is running, if a 't' character is received, the bootloader starts a simple terminal software. This is helpful during development for debugging the user's application.
Terminal functions
- Help for terminal.
- Dump 256 bytes of memory. Sub services are Previous, Again, and Next 256 bytes.
- Write hexadecimal data into Flash memory.
- Write simple text into Flash memory.
- Erase page.
Terminal has an 8 second timeout. If you don't press any key for 8 seconds, the Terminal will exit so as to not block running the user's application.
Press '?' for help. Terminal echoes each received character for confirmation. Write is page based here also, so it is not allowed to write across page boundaries. Bootloader memory range manipulation is also prohibited from here.
- Download assembler from here. It works on both Linux and Windows.
- Run
asm8 gzbl.asm
. - gzbl.s19 is ready to download by a monitor loader. I propose
This is free software. You can do anything you want with it. While I've been using Linux, I got so much support from free projects, I am happy if I can contibute back to the community.
Motorola, Freescale, NXP, MC68HC908GZ60, 68HC908GZ60, HC908GZ60, MC908GZ60, 908GZ60, HC908GZ48, HC908GZ32, HC908GZ, 908GZ