Pretty print annotations made in Blinks from and
Blinkist is a service which provides blinks for books. Texts can be highlighted in the app and accessed via Unfortuantely the available sortings are either chronological or by book, with the oldest first.
This script helps to locally archive the annotations by book and in chronological order.
- create either markdown or JSON output
- remove duplicate headlines
- reorder the elements chronologically
- go to
- choose "Hinzugefügt am" for sorting
- click and drag over the annotations per book, beginning with the title of the book
- copy to clipboard
- paste the content to an empty file and safe it relative to the script as *.txt file
- run script
python3 -h
usage: main [-h] -i PATH [-o PATH] [-j INDENT] [-c] [-v] -f {JSON,markdown}
Pretty print annotations made in Blinks from and
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i PATH, --infile PATH
path to file with raw text
-o PATH, --outfile PATH
Output file (default: standard output)
-j INDENT, --indent INDENT
INDENT chars for JSON output
-c, --cite format markdown output as citations
-v, --verbose show debugging information
-f {JSON,markdown}, --output_format {JSON,markdown}
specify output format
There is no batch option (yet), so the easiest way is to safe a txt for each book in a separate directory and then run this line of bash script:
for f in $(find . -iname '*.txt'); do python3 /home/Path-to-BlinkSort/ -i $f -f markdown -o ./$; rm -f $f; done
which will output a .md file and remove the original .txt file.
- option to output as JSON
- option to output as Markdown
- works for multiple blinks at once
- multi languages
- use webscraper
- works as well for Kindle highlights
- opt. write output to file