Python modules:
- pip3 install ipaddr
- pip3 install CiscoConfParse
- pip3 install pandas
Make file executable: chmod +x
Edit the file with the config file name and the output file + directory (NOTE: output dir will be deleted and renewed at running!)
- input_config_file = "ciscoconfig.conf"
- output_csv_file = "acl_seperated.csv" << Not implemented yet
- output_dir = 'output'
Edit output variables:
- PRINT_REMARKS = False # True for print to screen, False no print to screen
- PRINT_LINES = False # Print line info
- PRINT_FULL_OUTPUT = False # Print full extract info (debug)
- EXPORT_REMARKS = False # Skip the remark lines in export output
- FLATTEN_NESTED_LISTS = True # True if the output of nested lists must be extracted to one list
- SKIP_INACTIVE = True # True to skip lines that are inactie (last word of ACL line)
- SKIP_TIME_EXCEEDED = False # Skip rules with time-ranges that have passed by
- EXTEND_PORT_RANGES = True # When True the ranges will be added seperataly, from begin to end range port. Other it will be printed as <port_start>-<port_end>
Run ./ to:
- Check all incoming and outgoing access-lists (run trough interfaces)
- For every ACL, get content and extract line-by-line
- Extract compact lines with object-groups to single lines so you can filter on source - destination
- Optionally add information of destination IP/subnet routing next hop/outgoing interface
- Create input dir, loop trough all files (so no input file must be edited in the split_acl file)
- Add next hop interface
- Change port names to numbers (from input CSV)
- Seperate file for object-group functions, this file can be run seperataly to extraxct object groups and check if OG is in use)
- create function where input is, source - destination and check in output file what is allowed (hits on ACL lines)
Current version is in very beta state, so please check manually correct exports!
I assume that acl_protocol object-groups (at beginning of acl line) will handle only protocol and destination ports, no source port OG's are supported