Add setter
to IsRefreshing
4 errors
The run was canceled by @brminnick.
This version of the MVVM Toolkit requires 'Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.Ref' version '10.0.19041.38' or later. Please update to .NET SDK 8.0.109, 8.0.305 or 8.0.402 (or later). Alternatively, use a temporary 'Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.Ref' reference, which can be done by setting the 'WindowsSdkPackageVersion' property in your .csproj file. For your project configuration, it is recommended to set the package version to '10.0.19041.41'.
This version of the MVVM Toolkit requires 'Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.Ref' version '10.0.19041.38' or later. Please update to .NET SDK 8.0.109, 8.0.305 or 8.0.402 (or later). Alternatively, use a temporary 'Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.Ref' reference, which can be done by setting the 'WindowsSdkPackageVersion' property in your .csproj file. For your project configuration, it is recommended to set the package version to '10.0.19041.41'.
This job was cancelled