- You can find my projects and previews
- My goal is to learn new things about web development, and improve my skills
Express todolist api with mongodb database
You can login add todo to database with API
I used Express, MongoDB, JWT in this app.
- Live demo : https://todolist-api.up.railway.app/
Express blog app with heroku postgres database
This app gets title and content of blog posts and show preview in home page, and you can click detail and read more.
I used Bootstrap, Postgres, Sequelize, Express and Ejs Libraries in this project
- Note : I was using a free mysql database when I first created this project. It created some problems then I switched to Heroku Postgresql database
Live demo : https://serene-ravine-65395.herokuapp.com/- Heroku no longer supports free dynos.
A React app that can show jokes with changeable theme.
A React app that can calculate some values like Hypotenuse or Area of a circle
Very simple Youtube clone with React, Material UI and Youtube API.
- Live Demo
- Note : This Youtube Api has a limit, there is chance that you can get error and App don't work.
Simple image search app that uses unSplash api and Bootstrap 5 Library
A simple React website that can solve quadratic equations. I also used bootstrap and reactstrap in this project.
A simple Journal website that you can add new posts and read them. Built with Ejs and Express.js
An example website for math calculations. Built with jQuery and bootsrap 5
An example website for a web developer. Built with basic html and bootsrap 5
A simple one page web site about vet clinic. Built with basic html and css
A personel site that built with basic html and css
This project is about java tutorials by html website, It contains only HTML codes
This project includes a simple html page about an example personel website, and a simple contact menu. It contains only HTML codes