This is a collection of initial condition generation code and analysis scripts for testing the implementation of the Hill approximation in ChaNGa and pkdgrav.
I've split this repo into a folder for IC scripts and a folder for analysis scripts. Some ICs call scripts from the analysis folder (or elsewhere), so make sure you edit the IC scripts to call from the correct path.
This generates an IC for a 3-body problem for pkdgrav, with one massive body in orbit around another massive body and a small test particle in an elliptical orbit encountering both massive bodies.
This generates an IC for a grid distribution or a Poisson distribution of particles. Comment out the part of the code that you do not need and uncomment the part that you do.
To build:
make clean
make pgaspart
To run:
./pgaspart ngas xmin xmax seed > outputfile,
./pgaspart 1000 -0.5 0.5 1 > gas.tbin
Shell script that converts ss format ChaNGa outputs into human readable form. It calls bin2simple and totipnat, which are in Analysis/tipsytools.
To use:
Plots the human readable form outputted by using matplotlib.