These projects are part of a series entitled "Data Analyst Portfolio Project" by Alex, the Analyst where the Alex guides and teaches the process of creating a Data Analysis project to all want learn about it and helping to anyone become a Data Analyst or Data Scientist
1 - Covid Analysis Project with SQL and Tableau
In this project, We used to EDA(Exploratory Data Analysis), the COVID-19 Deaths OWID Data about dates of 01-2020 to 01-2022
using SQL Server
, specifically the SQL Server Management Studio
and We created a dashboard using Tableau
based on the data analyzed.
The queries used to make the visualization is:
- Total Cases, Total Death and Death Percentage by total cases
- Total Death by location
- Highest Infection Count and Percent Population Infected by Location and Population
- Highest Infection Count and Percent Population Infected by Location, Population and Date
Link to SQL EDA
Link to Visualization