php81 composer.phar require jbennecker/silverstripe-analytics
php81 vendor/silverstripe/framework/cli-script.php dev/build
Gehe zu Admin > Einstellungen > Tracking und gib die Cookiebot-ID und Tagmanager-IDs ein. Du kannst Google und/oder Matomo TagManager verwenden.
Bitte konfiguriere Matomo TagManager so, dass "Cookies deaktivieren" und "Tracker bündeln" aktiviert ist. Siehe Bookstack.
Cookiebot ist im manuellen Modus enthalten.
Bearbeite die Datei app/templates/
und importiere den Tracking-Code am Anfang deines <head>
<% include Tracking %>
zum Einbinden in die Datenschutzerklärung[cookiebot]
um einen Button zum Bearbeiten der Cookiebot-Präferenzen bereitzustellen[youtube,id="dieYoutubeId"]
zum Bereitstellen von YouTube-Medien, die von der Cookiebot-Zustimmung gesteuert werden
This step is only needed if custom Tags in Matomo need to honor Cookiebot consent modes, for example Facebook Pixel etc.
To honor the visitor's consent, you need to define the logic that controls the behavior of cookie-setting tags on your website.
To do this you need to create the following Triggers, to be used in your Matomo configuration:
- Name: Cookie Consent Preferences
Event Name:cookie_consent_preferences
- Name: Cookie Consent Statistics
Event Name:cookie_consent_statistics
- Name: Cookie Consent Marketing
Event Name:cookie_consent_marketing
To create the Triggers, repeat these steps for each of the Cookiebot triggers:
- Click the "Triggers" menu item and click "+ CREATE NEW TRIGGER"
- Choose "Custom Event" under "Choose a type of trigger to continue"
- Assign a name and the matching event from the list above
- Click the "CREATE NEW TRIGGER" button to save the trigger
Once we write a Matomo trigger plugin we can elimate this step
Tags which set cookies within one of these three categories (review the scan report if you are in doubt) must only be triggered when the user has consented to the relevant category.
To achieve this, assign the appropriate Cookie Consent Trigger on each cookie-setting tag, for example "Cookie Consent Statistics" for your Matomo Analytics tag.