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/ ring Public

The whole point of MPI (Message Passing Interface) is to make processes communicate. Point-to-point communication is divided into two operations: Send and Receive. Its most basic form is called blocking. Here I wrote a blocking and non-blocking mpi program in c++. communications.

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Process to run all the program we provided for ring topology

Our MPI programs were written in C++. On the login node, compile each program using the following syntax

module load openmpi-4.1.1+gnu-9.3.0
mpic++ blocking_ring.cpp -o block 
mpic++ non_blocking_ring.cpp -o non_block

To submit the job on the computer node, run the following syntax

qsub job.pbs

Where job.pbs is the PBS bash script.

Once you have the output in csv file, run the R script plot_performance.R on Rstudio, make sure to install tidyverse library in order to use ggplot2. The script and the csv file should be in the folder.

Process to compute 3d matrix-matrix addition in parallel using a 1D toplogy

On the login node compile the program sum3Dmatrix.cpp using

module load openmpi-4.1.1+gnu-9.3.0
mpic++ sum3Dmatrix.cpp -o matr

Creat a PBS script sum.pbs and past the following line of code


#PBS -N ring 
#PBS -q dssc
#PBS -l mem=100mb 
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=24

#PBS -l walltime=00:60:00

module load openmpi-4.1.1+gnu-9.3.0


for i in {2..5}
	mpirun -np 24 matr >> add.csv

Use the following syntax to submit the job to the computer node

qsub sum.pbs


The whole point of MPI (Message Passing Interface) is to make processes communicate. Point-to-point communication is divided into two operations: Send and Receive. Its most basic form is called blocking. Here I wrote a blocking and non-blocking mpi program in c++. communications.







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