#2012 fast vector maps using 1950's technology!
Sort of like a tiled geojson vector layer, but using binary formats and
JavaScript ArrayBuffers and DataViews. Inspired by
Vizzuality/CartoDB's Vecnik project, using a very simple format based on OGC WKB. (There is a pure WKB version at tag wellknownbinary
The underlying representation of the geometries is described in sister project
readme canvasback
. This project takes canvasback's ArrayBuffer
tile map service and renders them to canvas.
There are maybe a couple ways to do that: two versions are here
in 1) bicsy
and 2) widgeon
. The former is lightly modified from
mbostock/pixymaps and renders to a single canvas, the latter is
one canvas per tile in a map container element. Fingers crossed for
which is also like pixymaps and is in the d3 tracker.
(old) Live examples here: http://wkb.guacamol.es/osmwkb/_design/osmstreets/all.html
Very alpha, will have an interaction component inspired by this: https://github.com/bloomtime/d3map
More examples, heavier than image tiles in general but pretty usably fast, and this is without many well-thought-out PostGIS queries:
OSM points as flowers and roads as chalk on grass:
street map:
Way too many geometries from Eric Fischer's 2010 Locals-Tourists visualizations: (http://flickr.com/walkingsf)
Bunch of OSM polygons, streets, and points in layers: