An non-realtime ray tracing rendering engine for linux featuring:
- Tranformations: translate, scale, rotate
- Lights: point and directional, quadratic attenuation model (only for point)
- Recursive mirror reflections
- Shadows
- Basic primitives: Spheres and Triangles
- Blinn-Phong illumination model
- Scene file parsing
- Multithreading
./superboy <scene_file>
Some example scenes are provided under testscenes
Scene files are just text files with the following procedural commands:
The basics
size width height
image width and height (will respect aspect ratio)
output file_name.png
image name
camera 0 -4 4 0 -1 0 0 1 1 45
creates the camera with eye center up and fov arguments
maxdepth 5
specify a maximum recursion depth for the scene
Need some light?
point 1 1 3 1 1 1
creates a physical point light with center and color arguments
directional 1 1 3 1 1 1
creates a directional light with direction and color arguments
attenuation 1 0.1 0.05
set attenuation terms (constant, linear and quadratic)
Transforming objects
pushes the current transformation into the stack (nice for hierarchical drawing)
translate 0 0 0.5
scale 2 1 .25
non uniform scaling
rotate 0 0 1 45
rotation from axis and angle
removes the current top tranformation from the stack (nice for hierarchical drawing)
Defining the object material (These can be changed per object)
ambient 0 0 0
ambient term color
diffuse 0 1 0
diffuse term color
specular 0 0 0
specular term color
shininess 100
shininess exponential factor (Phong shading)
emission 0 0 0
self emmisive term color
Now... how to create objects?
sphere 0 0 0 1
creates a sphere with center and radius
vertex 0 0 0
creates a vertex with the specified coordinates
tri 0 1 2
creates a triangle from three vertices (vertices index is vertex creation order)
Features are pretty basic for the time being, in a near future i'll eventually be adding:
- Trinormals
- Refractive surfaces
- More primitives: Boxes, cilinders?, etc.
- Acceleration structures
- Other shading models
- Antialiasing, Depth of field, blur motion
- Obj file reader
This project is known to compile and work under Ubuntu 16.04 under gcc version 5.4.0, but should work under any distro and gcc version with c++11 support
Prerequisites: freeimage
To build just run make
You will need the Google test library installed
make tests