#TBD move this to jenkins...
generic workflow
helm dep up $YOUR_CHART_PATH/
helm lint $YOUR_CHART_PATH/
helm package $YOUR_CHART_PATH/ # to build the tgz file and copy it here
helm repo index .
git add .
git commit -m 'New chart version'
git push
example build
helm dep up ../helm-charts/zookeeper
helm lint ../helm-charts/zookeeper
helm package ../helm-charts/zookeeper
helm dep up ../helm-charts/kafka
helm lint ../helm-charts/kafka
helm package ../helm-charts/kafka
helm dep up ../helm-charts/schema-registry
helm lint ../helm-charts/schema-registry
helm package ../helm-charts/schema-registry
helm dep up ../helm-charts/kafka_cluster
helm lint ../helm-charts/kafka_cluster
helm package ../helm-charts/kafka_cluster
commit the changes
helm repo index .
git add .
git commit --all -m 'New chart version'
git push
helm repo remove bitbouncer
rm ~/.helm/repository/cache/bitbouncer-index.yaml
helm repo add bitbouncer 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bitbouncer/helm-charts-storage/master/'
helm repo update
helm search bitbouncer
helm repo update
helm install --name cluster0 bitbouncer/kafka_cluster --namespace testing
helm install --name cluster0 bitbouncer/kafka_cluster_op6 --namespace testing
helm ls --all --namespace testing
helm del --purge cluster0