Are you looking for a simple way to know how to represent a number, let's say "33", in binary? Or maybe you really don't care about binaries, but your teacher of algorithms gave you a list of exercises to convert from decimal to various bases (2, 8, 16) but last night you were at a party and totally forgot it. Quoting Uncle Bob, in a set of lectures about clean code he gave in 2019, "if a computer can do it, a computer should do it"!
- Nov. 12th: Since the adding method was kind of broken, it was rewritten used TDD, and because the users must be able to operate the software properly, all the user interface (unfortunately not graphical with Tkinter or similar) had to be rewritten and tested. The executable is still only available to Linux, until I put my hands in a Windows again.
This repository contains a simple code and an executable of the program and its files were created using a Linux environment (Ubuntu) and PyCharm.
Windows: Go to the file /dist/main.exe and run the executable by clicking it twice.
Linux: Open the folder mentioned in terminal and run the file by typing "./main" (with no extension)
To practice Python in a program that would interest me, I created this simple script that converts positive integer numbers applying a method humans are used to (remainders of a number divided by 2 and its rest, inverted).
A recent feature now allows continuous running of the script, and also visual representation of negative numbers
Open the folder in terminal, type "python", and you'll see a tiny spark of what the Test Driven Development can do!
If you, as a developer, think of new possible test cases, please consider following the recommended steps mentioned in the Support section of this README.
Version Beta 1.1:
- Support for Windows;
- Implement support for negative numbers;
- Use TDD
Version Beta 1.2:
- Handle alphanumerics;
- Refactor number representation;
- Sum operations
Version Beta 1.3:
- Subtraction operations;
- Add logs for math operations;
- Implement support for converting decimal numbers
Version Beta 1.4:
- Improve the interface with colors and os control (preferably cleaning the screen);
- Multiplication operations;
- Division operations;
Final Beta Version (1.5):
- Create a GUI
This repository will be available under the MIT license, and my if you like to suggest improvements, please open an issue and submit your PR.