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Personal Setup

👷 Note: I am working on refactoring the structure to introduce my Nix configuration along with my dotfiles. You can get my dotfiles on the chezmoi directory. Meanwhile, many nix-related stuff can change.


  • Chezmoi
  • Arch Linux, NixOS, or MacOS


Without NixOS

⚠️ Note: If you're not me, you won't have access to my 1Password account. To prevent chezmoi from applying files with secrets, set the SECRETS_OFF=1 environment variable. If you do not use this flag, chezmoi will fail when attempting to connect to my 1Password account ¯_(ツ)/¯._

SECRETS_OFF=1 chezmoi init -S ~/dotfiles

With NixOS

This method is guaranteed to work out of the box since chezmoi will not attempt to download all dependencies. To install my NixOS configuration, run the following command:

sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#default

With nix-darwin

⚠️ Note: Darwin support is still WIP

To install my nix configuration on the OSX, run the following command:

nix run nix-darwin -- switch --flake .

Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be used to configure chezmoi during initialization and when applying changes:

  • ASK: Set to 1 to enable prompts in chezmoi.
  • SECRETS_OFF: Set to 1 to disable 1Password integration (uses my personal secrets defined in .chezmoi.yaml).
  • DOTFILES_MINIMAL: Set to 1 to install the minimal version of the dotfiles.
  • WORKCONF: Set to 1 to enable work-related configurations (e.g., work email, etc.).

For example, run ASK=1 chezmoi apply to enable prompts or DOTFILES_MINIMAL=1 chezmoi apply to generate the minimal configuration.


Chezmoi Is Not Reloading the Configuration

Run chezmoi init <dotfiles-path> again. This will reload the configuration by regenerating chezmoi.yaml in $HOME/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml.

Sourcing Environment Variables With i3

For some reason, i3 sources .xprofile instead of .xinitrc. To get the GitHub plugin for i3status-rust to work, you need to set a variable in your .xprofile:

export I3RS_GITHUB_TOKEN="your-github-token"



Arch Linux

Weechat IRC



  1. Feel free to contribute and/or report any issues.