Hi there 👋 I am Ayaz Mehmood!
Data Science and machine learning Engineer at Glowlogix
📫 Like to meet me?
My Interests are:
"Computer vision, NLP, Generative AI, Chatbot Development and LLM."
- Participated in the Mediaeval Competition and presented our team's work at a prestigious conference, showcasing our expertise in the field.
- Developed AI based solution which include chatbot development, Generative AI and LLM finetuning
- 🔭 Currently Working on Generative AI, Large Language Model and MultiModel
- 💬 Ask me about new machine learning deep learning and generative AI techniques and let's collaborate on making them even better!
- 📫 How to reach me: ayazmehmood550@gmail.com
- 😄 Pronouns: He/his