This is the iOS version of my web-based rubik's cube timer + Fridrich method guide for OLL (orientation of the last layer) and PLL (permutation of the last layer). The repo for my web project is here.
The following is a list of the features that are currently implemented:
- Time cube
- Start by pressing for more than .5 seconds
- Stop by tapping
- New scramble code is generated each time
- Delete the last time
- Swipe left, then verify by clicking "Yes" on the alert that pops up
- Generate a new scramble without also starting the time again
- Swipe right
- Show all of the times in a UITableView
- Tab for OLL cases
- Ability to sort the cases by order of priority
- Hide the cases you've already solved - or otherwise put them in a different part of the table view (grouped?)
- Tab for PLL cases
- With same abilities as the OLL tab
- Save your current times from one session of the app to the next
- Ability to create different "sessions" of times - so you don't have 1000 times all in one place
- Ability to switch from different sessions
- Can use the day's date in order to name sessions
- Save your times to CSV, Excel, etc.
- Currently only have CSV
- Can send to your email or airdrop to computer
- Uses name of the session to name the CSV file
- Show statistics in a table view
- Way to identify PLL/OLL cases that you want to prioritize
- stars maybe?
- Have saved times available to computer in form of CSV
- Through iTunes document sharing
- So you can download everything all at once
- Be able to export to a number of formats
- Even open up a file in the Numbers app if you have it
- Google sheets
- Provide export to Excel vs CSV