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A Repo of VBA functions I have written over the years that provide a powerful base for VBA Development.


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A Repo of VBA functions I have written over the years that provide a powerful base for VBA Development.

I like to think of all the functions in this libary as foundation functions that should have been built into VB in the first place. It's broken into the following catagories:

  1. General: VBA Functions that could probably be used in any app.
  2. Access: Specific To Access.
  3. Access_Excel_Interact: Used for Excel Doc interaction from within Access.
  4. VBA_IDE: Functions that edit VBA IDE Code itself.
  5. Example-Access_Auto_ACCDE_Creation - End user front end ACCDE creation is simplified into a single subroutine.


  1. I intentionally do not use OnError unless its required to make the function operate. I perfer to handle errors in the main function that called these foundation functions. Just pretend these are built into VBA and handle errors like you normally would.
  2. I intentionally leave all variable declarations on a seperate lines. These are functions I have written or collected over a long period of time. I find it helps to break everything down just in case i need to look into how something works again.

General Functions

  • AppendTXTFile: Add passed string to end of txt file.
  • ArraySearch: Find a value in a specific Array column.
  • ArraySearchComp: Find a value in a specific Array column with textcompare.
  • ArraySearch_All: Checks if value exist in any Array column.
  • BrowseForFile: Create a browse for file dialog box. returns selected filename.
  • BrowseForFolder: Create a browse for folder dialog box. returns selected folder.
  • CreateDirectory: Create Dir if not exists.
  • CopyFile: Creates a copy of a file.
  • CreateFolder: if folder does not exist create
  • DeleteFile: Deletes File if exists.
  • DeleteFolder: Deletes Folder if exists.
  • DebugPrintArray: Debug print entire array.
  • ForceCompileProject: Complies your code programmatically.
  • FileExists: Check if file exist.
  • GetBetween: Returns strings inbetween two strings.
  • GetFileCount: Returns total files in folder.
  • GetFilenameFromPath: Returns the rightmost characters of a string upto but not including the rightmost ''.
  • IsBlankOrNull: Returns true if passed value is null or "" reguardless of variable type. I use this so much I almost forget its not a built in VBA Function.
  • IsFileOpen: Verifies if file is actively open on this or another computer.
  • IsNumberKeyPress: Verifies if character passed is number or numberpad number character.
  • IsProcessRunning: Use to check active windows processes.
  • openfile: Open file if exists.
  • Pause: Waits X time in seconds.
  • RandomNumberBetween: Returns random number between uper and lower passed values.
  • RandomWeightedNumber: Returns random weighted value from array.
  • RemoveExtraSpaces: Removes all double spaces from passed string.
  • TransposeArray: Swaps column and rows of an array.
  • WaitForTime: Waits until the specified date and time.

Access Functions

  • Backup_BE_Tables: Backup all tables in database to specified folder.
  • ChangeProperty: Changes access option properties. Usefull when automating the creation of an ACCDE file.
  • CloseAllOpenForms: Close all open Forms.
  • CompactAndRepairAll: Automates the compact and repair of all linked tables in a database. The user must still click an 'ok' button for every linked Backend file associated with tables.
  • Create_ACCDE_File: Automatically creates an ACCDE File with appropriate settings and such for a clean accde view.
  • CreateTableArray: Conversts a table into an array.
  • ErrorHandelerMsgBoxLog: Use this in your error handle routines instead of msgbox. Write errors to txt file and or a Table. Passes error to msgbox for user visibility.
  • ExportTableExcel: Exports table to Excel File with option to exclude columns by name.
  • IsFormOpen: Checks is form is already open.
  • IsFormLoaded: A more robust version of isformopen, but allows the detection of subforms. Use LookupFormName and LookupControl to speed up subform open find.
  • ListboxSelectionClear: Clears Listbox selections.
  • ListboxSelectionArray: Transfer selected items in a listbox to an array.
  • RelinkBackend: Relink the tables to new backend filenamepath.
  • RefreshODBCLinks: Refresh ODBC Connections.
  • RepairDatabase: Automates the compact and repair of specified linked table. The user must still click an 'ok' button.
  • VerifyReqFields: Validates all required fields on a form are not blank. If any are blank tells user which field it is returns false.


  • CloseAllExcel: Close all open Excel workbooks.
  • CloseExcelFile: Close specific Excel workbook based on filenamepath.
  • IsExcelOpen: Returns true if an instance of Excel is Open.
  • IsWorkbookOpen: Returns true if specified workbook is open.
  • IsUserCellChangesUncommited: Determines if user has entered info into a cell, but has not yet commited the data. Returns True if it is uncommited.
  • OpenWorkbook: Open an Excel Workbook based on filenamepath.


  • VBA_Modules_ReplaceAll: Replace matched text in a VBA IDE by Module name.
  • VBA_Modules_ReplaceAll: Replace matched text in a VBA IDE for all Modules


A Repo of VBA functions I have written over the years that provide a powerful base for VBA Development.






