- Emcas 29.1 or newer.
- Fira Code fonts => https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode
Used onmarkdown-preview-mode
=> https://github.com/askin/do-markdownit-cli
cd ~
git clone git@github.com:askin/.emacs.d.git
After all packages installed, install latest fonts.
M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts
Copy emacs.service
to ~/.config/systemd/user/
cp emacs.service ~/.config/systemd/user/
Reload units
systemctl daemon-reload --user
Enable emacs service to run startup
systemctl enable --user emacs
Start or stop emacs
systemctl start --user emacs
systemctl stop --user emacs
Start emacs client on gui
emacsclient -c
Start emacs client on cli
emacsclient -t
- Rectangle Select
C-x space
- Create gist from current buffer
C-c b
- Open region with default browser
C-c u
- Run elisp code
C-x C-e
- Goto line
M-g M-g
- Comment region or block
- Start defining macro
orC-x (
- End defining macro
orC-x )
- Examle usage
<F3> M-f foo <F4>
- Examle usage
- Open remote file or directory
C-x C-f
- Open remote file or directory as root
C-x C-f
- Add new line while replace-string
C-q C-j
:M-x quoted-insert
: New line
- Rename multiple files
- Enter dired
C-x d
orC-x f
- Switch to edit mode
C-x C-q
- After editing save with
C-c C-c
- Enter dired
- To Upper/Lower case region
- We have to enable before use
(put 'downcase-region 'disabled nil) (put 'upcase-region 'disabled nil)
- To upper
C-x C-u
- To lower
C-x C-l
- Insert a link to document
C-c C-l
- Repeating a Command details...
- Repeat last command
C-x z
- Repeat n-times (10-times for example)
C-u 1 0 command
- Delete 10 character
C-u 1 0 C-d
- Delete 10 character
- Repeat last command
- Select python virtual env
M-x pyvenv-workon
- Select all buffer
C-x h
- Json pretty print
- Buffer:
M-x json-pretty-print-buffer
- Region:
M-x json-pretty-print
- Buffer:
- Create temporary file or directory
- Create file with extension
M-x create-temp-file
- Create directory
M-x create-temp-directory
- Create file with extension
- Insert or align comment
orM-x indent-for-comment
. - Insert
M-x uuidgen
- Save As
C-x C-w
- Open markdown preview mode
M-x markdown-preview-mode
Key bind | Description |
C-x r m <RET> |
Set the bookmark for the visited file, at point. |
C-x r m bookmark <RET> |
Set the bookmark named bookmark at point (bookmark-set). |
C-x r M bookmark <RET> |
Like C-x r m, but don't overwrite an existing bookmark. |
C-x r b bookmark <RET> |
Jump to the bookmark named bookmark (bookmark-jump). |
C-x r l |
List all bookmarks (list-bookmarks). |
M-x bookmark-save |
Save all the current bookmark values in the default bookmark file. |