這是一個與丁建均老師的 "時頻分析和小波轉換" 課程相關的 GitHub 存儲庫。本專案包含了與時頻分析和小波轉換相關的代碼、學習材料和其他資源。
- hw1, hw2, hw3, hw4, hw5: 這些為 2019 年 3 月至 6 月間的修課產出。
- MATLAB (99.2%)
- M (0.8%)
歡迎有興趣的開發者和學生對此專案進行貢獻。您可以透過提交 Pull 請求或開啟 Issues 來參與。
This is a GitHub repository related to Professor Ding Jian-Jun's "Time-Frequency Analysis and Wavelet Transform" course. The repository contains code, learning materials, and other resources related to time-frequency analysis and wavelet transform.
- hw1, hw2, hw3, hw4, hw5: These are the course outputs from March to June 2019.
- MATLAB (99.2%)
- M (0.8%)
This project includes codes written in various programming languages, intended for learning and practicing time-frequency analysis and wavelet transform.
Contributions from developers and students interested in this project are welcome. You can participate by submitting Pull Requests or opening Issues.
This project adheres to applicable copyright laws. Please ensure compliance with relevant licensing terms before use.