A couple utils to ease ros messages synchronization using the message_filters::Synchronizer
Provides a template class MessageSynchronizerBase
which automically register and setup the whole pipeline
used by message_filters::Synchronizer
means of nasty metaprogramming.
The MessageSynchronizerBase
can be used as a standalone or else by
inheriting from MessageSynchronizerBase<my-list-of-msg-type>
one only has to overload
the virtual function callback()
to manage to synchronized callback messages.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: name deray.jeremie@gmail.com
- Author: name deray.jeremie@gmail.com
- License: APACHE-2.0
- Bug / feature tracker: https://github.com/artivis/ros_msgs_sync/issues
- Source: git https://github.com/artivis/ros_msgs_sync (branch: master)
#$ apt-get install ros-indigo-my-package
$ git clone https://github.com/artivis/ros_msgs_sync
$ catkin build ros_msgs_sync
The file example/demo_synchronizer.cpp
together with it's launch file shows how one can use one of the synchronizer available with this package. The demo synchronizes 2 sensor_msgs::Image
and 2 sensor_msgs::CameraInfo
$ roslaunch ros_msgs_sync demo_synchronizer.launch
As a minimal example, we will synchronize a sensor_msgs::Image
with an associated sensor_msgs::Camera
#include "ros_msgs_sync/ros_msgs_sync.h"
#include <ros/ros.h>
/// Typef the synchronizer
/// Template arguments
/// 1. synchronization policy
/// 2-9. message types to be synchronized
using MySync =
sensor_msgs::Image, sensor_msgs::CameraInfo>;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "demo_synchronizer");
std::size_t image_queue = 5;
std::size_t camera_info_queue = 5;
MySync msg_sync(image_queue, camera_info_queue);
sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr image;
sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr cam_info;
while (ros::ok())
std::tie(image, cam_info) = msg_sync.getMessage();
// Do stuff with messages.
That's it !
For more details, an example is available in the example
folder of the package together with its launch file.
Subscribers are listening to the topics :
- ...
thus they need to be remapped, e.g. from a launch file
<remap from="~synchronized_topic_0" to="my_camera_topic"/>
The class automatically instantiate a image_transport::SubscriberFilter
for image messages - configurable through a ImageSubcriberParameters
- while uses a message_filters::Subscriber
for any other message types - configurable through a SubcriberParameters
#include "ros_msgs_sync/ros_msgs_sync.h"
#include <ros/ros.h>
/// Typef the synchronizer
/// Template arguments
/// 1. synchronization policy
/// 2-9. message types to be synchronized
using MySync =
sensor_msgs::Image, sensor_msgs::CameraInfo>;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// See image_transport::TransportHints documentation for more information.
image_transport::TransportHints image_transport_hints;
ros_msgs_sync::ImageSubcriberParameters image_sub_params;
image_sub_params.queue_size = 5;
image_sub_params.transport_hints = image_transport_hints;
// See ros::TransportHints documentation for more information.
ros::TransportHints transport_hints;
MySync camera_info_sub_params;
camera_info_sub_params.queue_size = 5;
camera_info_sub_params.transport_hints = transport_hints;
camera_info_sub_params.callback_queue = nullptr;
ros_msgs_sync::SyncApproxImagesWithInfo msg_sync(image_sub_params, camera_info_sub_params);
// Set the callback queue size of the synchronizer.
// subscribers parameters may be changed later on.
msg_sync.getSubscriberParameters<1>().queue_size = 10;
// However one need to stop/start the synchronizer
// for the change to take effects
The header ros_msgs_sync.h
defines the following useful synchronizer:
SyncApproxNImages; // Where N is in [2 - 9]
SyncApproxImagesWithInfo; // Sync sensor_msgs::Image + sensor_msgs::CameraInfo
SyncApprox2ImagesWithInfo; // Sync sensor_msgs::Image + sensor_msgs::CameraInfo X 2
SyncApprox3ImagesWithInfo; // Sync sensor_msgs::Image + sensor_msgs::CameraInfo X 3
SyncApprox4ImagesWithInfo; // Sync sensor_msgs::Image + sensor_msgs::CameraInfo X 4
SyncExactImagesWithInfo; // Sync sensor_msgs::Image + sensor_msgs::CameraInfo
Notice the following helper types:
MessageSynchronizerApprox<MsgType0, MsgType1, etc...>;
MessageSynchronizerExact<MsgType0, MsgType1, etc...>;
Please, feel free.